A.G. Riddle Books

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A.G. Riddle is a bestselling indie author that writes science fiction novels. He left a lucrative job to write fiction. He knew his gamble had paid off when he learned that his first trilogy had sold over a million copies.

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Order of The Origin Mystery Series

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1 The Atlantis Gene 2013 Description / Buy
2 The Atlantis Plague 2013 Description / Buy
3 The Atlantis World 2014 Description / Buy

Order of The Extinction Files Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Pandemic 2017 Description / Buy
2 Genome 2017 Description / Buy

Order of The Long Winter Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Winter World 2019 Description / Buy
2 The Solar War 2019 Description / Buy
3 The Lost Colony 2019 Description / Buy

Order of A.G. Riddle Standalone Novels

# Read Title Published Details
1 Departure 2014 Description / Buy
2 The Extinction Trials 2021 Description / Buy
3 Lost in Time 2022 Description / Buy
4 Quantum Radio 2023 Description / Buy
5 Antarctica Station 2024 Description / Buy
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The author spent his childhood in North Carolina, specifically Boiling Springs. Following a stint at UNC-Chapel Hill, Riddle joined forces with a childhood friend to create an internet company. After selling the company, the author decided to re-invent himself.

At no point during his childhood had he pondered the possibility of writing fiction for a living. But it did not take him long to realize that he spent a significant number of hours on his Kindle after work. Once he understood that he could publish anything he wrote using the various indie publishing platforms, the author decided to test the publishing waters.

The transition was far from easy. Riddle’s internet company had been a success. He was already in his thirties when he sold the business, which meant that he was starting over from scratch, a task that most people find daunting.

Riddle missed his job. First of all, he used to work every single day. Secondly, his efforts would always produce tangible results. Publishing was different. Not only was his progress slow but he had no way of knowing whether or not the words he was writing would bear fruit.

Fortunately, he was a hard worker. ‘The Atlantis Gene’, his first novel, was far from perfect. The author had no training when he wrote it. He learned to write by simply sitting down and writing. Every so often, he would stop to reassess his progress. Then he would start writing again, and he wouldn’t stop until he was done.

He admits that his first novel would have been so much easier to write if he had studied creative writing in school. But Riddle is convinced that life experiences are just as important as formal training. Every great writer infuses the stories they write with the people they have met and the things they have seen.

Riddle had seen and experienced enough to write meaningful stories filled with relatable characters. Once that first manuscript was done, Riddle gave it to his mother, a former English teacher, to edit.

Then he designed the covers before asking the woman who would eventually become his wife to market the book on Facebook. With each new book he wrote, the process of writing and publishing became easier.

Any doubts the author had about his decision to self-publish went out the window once his first trilogy became a bestseller. Traditional publishing doesn’t interest Riddle. He enjoys the control the indie publishing arena offers. He doesn’t want to sacrifice that freedom.

The author’s books require a lot more research than people think. He spends the development stage writing biographies for his characters and outlining his story. He will only settle down to write the first draft once he knows the ending of the story.

A.G. Riddle Books To Movies

The Atlantis Gene was optioned for a possible film adaptation by CBS Films.

Best A.G. Riddle Books

The author’s love for science fiction was sparked when he was a child. He watched every science fiction movie and tv show he could get his hands on, including Star Wars, The X-Files, and Star Trek. Riddle’s best novels include:

Pandemic: Doctor Peyton was the leading epidemiologist at the CDC. She had spent her career dreading the one phone call that would summon her to attend to the first case in a global pandemic. And now that the phone call has come, she must respond before it’s too late.

An American is at death’s door, the victim of a pathogen with striking similarities to Ebola. But Peyton knows that her team has stumbled upon something new. Meanwhile, Desmond Hudges just woke up in a Berlin hotel. He doesn’t know who he is or where he came from. The only thing he knows is that Peyton has the answers he needs.

The Atlantis Gene: An autism researcher was on the verge of an incredible breakthrough. The treatment they had just discovered had the potential to change everything. However, in Antarctica, researchers had also made an incredible discovery, one that threatened to reveal the secrets of humanity’s origins.

When Does The Next A.G. Riddle book come out?

A.G. Riddle doesn't seem to have an upcoming book. Their newest book is Antarctica Station and was released on January, 15th 2024.

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