Anna Lee Huber Books

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Anna Lee Huber is a bestselling American author that writes historical mysteries. A native of Ohio, Huber was blessed with an active imagination. She came from a relatively large family. Accompanied by four brothers and a sister, she spent her days swinging plastic bats around like they were lightsabers.

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Order of Lady Darby Mystery Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 The Anatomist's Wife 2012 Description / Buy
2 Mortal Arts 2013 Description / Buy
3 A Grave Matter 2014 Description / Buy
4 A Study in Death 2015 Description / Buy
5 A Pressing Engagement (Short Story) 2016 Description / Buy
6 As Death Draws Near 2016 Description / Buy
7 A Brush with Shadows 2018 Description / Buy
8 An Artless Demise 2019 Description / Buy
9 A Stroke of Malice 2020 Description / Buy
10 A Wicked Conceit 2021 Description / Buy
11 A Perilous Perspective 2022 Description / Buy
12 A Fatal Illusion 2023 Description / Buy
13 A Deceptive Composition 2024 Description / Buy

Order of Gothic Myths Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Secrets in the Mist 2016 Description / Buy

Order of Verity Kent Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 This Side of Murder 2017 Description / Buy
2 Treacherous Is the Night 2018 Description / Buy
3 Penny for Your Secrets 2019 Description / Buy
4 A Pretty Deceit 2020 Description / Buy
5 Murder Most Fair 2021 Description / Buy
6 A Certain Darkness 2022 Description / Buy
7 The Cold Light of Day 2024 Description / Buy

Order of Anna Lee Huber Standalone Novels

# Read Title Published Details
1 Sisters of Fortune 2024 Description / Buy

Anna Lee Huber Anthologies

# Read Title Published Details
1 The Deadly Hours 2020 Description / Buy
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When she wasn’t reenacting her favorite Star Wars moments, young Huber could be found using the lawnmower as a van while pretending to fight bad guys as a member of the A-Team. When the author was in fourth grade, she did something incredible. She wrote a story. It was her first.

It wasn’t anything special. She titled it ‘Prom Duty’ even though she knew next to nothing about dances in high school. Nonetheless, she was so excited by her achievement that she asked her teacher to read the story out loud in class. In the months and years that followed, she concocted various stories that centered on a group of teens that solved mysteries.

But Huber hadn’t necessarily set her sights on publishing. Back then, she was convinced that she would eventually become a Rock Star like Amy Grant. While that particular dream did not come true, it revealed the author’s interest in music.

This paved the way for Huber’s stint at Lipscomb University from where she graduated with a degree in Music. She was still in college when she met her husband. After training to sing Opera, Huber took a detour from music to become an administrative assistant.

But it did not take her long to realize that she needed a creative outlet. This compelled Huber to put her talents to the task of arranging music. In due time, she turned her attention back to fiction.

As a published author, Huber does not have a definitive routine. She will write from any location that allows her to focus. That includes the bedroom, living room, and even coffee shops. Huber hates the idea of consistently writing from the same location because the practice causes her writing sessions to stagnate.

This is why she goes out of her way to frequently change locations. The change seems to shake something loose in her mind. The novelty breathes new life into her writing session. Her love for music can be seen in the instrumental tracks that accompany her writing sessions.

She avoids songs with lyrics because they tend to break her concentration. The majority of Huber’s writing is done on a computer. However, whenever she gets stuck, she switches to longhand. The shift allows her creative juices to flow.

Like her writing process, the author’s novels have varied beginnings. They do not always start the same way. Some of Huber’s ideas are sparked by a particular song. In other cases, a character will start chattering incessantly in the author’s mind. They will keep talking until she pens their story.

Huber has also found herself in situations where a random scene will become so vividly clear in her mind that she is forced to build a story around it.

Anna Lee Huber Awards

Huber received a Rita Award nomination (The Anatomist’s Wife).

Best Anna Lee Huber Books

Huber has a husband and children. As a child, she was influenced by writers like Mary Stewart and Carolyne Keene. Huber’s best novels include:

The Anatomist’s Wife: People thought that Lady Darby was unnatural because of the work her husband, an anatomist, did. As such, when her husband died, Lady Darby tried to steer clear of the limelight by running to her sister’s estate.

She was looking for solace. But her sister made that all but impossible when she decided to throw a party. The cream of London Society could barely hide their disdain for the woman. But then one of her sister’s guests died and Lady Darby realized that her knowledge of human anatomy was the perfect tool for solving the mystery.

Mortal Arts: Kiera Darby and William were close. He was her childhood art tutor. William’s life had taken a poor turn when his father sent him to an insane asylum. He was finally back. But he wasn’t quite as welcome as he might have wanted. A local girl was missing and William was the obvious suspect. Kiera had no choice but to insert herself into the mystery, using her experience with the macabre to clear her friend’s name.

When Does The Next Anna Lee Huber book come out?

The next book by Anna Lee Huber is The Cold Light of Day and will be released on September, 24th 2024. It is the newest book in the Verity Kent Series.

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