C.J. Archer Books

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C. J. Archer is a bestselling indie-published author that writes historical fantasy, romance, and mystery novels. Archer started reading at a young age. The Australian cannot remember a time when she wasn’t reading.

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Order of Glass and Steele Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 The Watchmaker's Daughter 2016 Description / Buy
2 The Mapmaker's Apprentice 2016 Description / Buy
3 The Apothecary's Poison 2017 Description / Buy
4 The Magician's Diary 2017 Description / Buy
5 The Convent's Secret 2018 Description / Buy
6 The Ink Master's Silence 2018 Description / Buy
7 The Cheater's Game 2019 Description / Buy
8 The Prisoner's Key 2019 Description / Buy
9 The Imposter's Inheritance 2020 Description / Buy
10 The Kidnapper's Accomplice 2020 Description / Buy
11 The Toymaker's Curse 2021 Description / Buy
12 The Spy Master's Scheme 2021 Description / Buy
13 The Goldsmith's Conspiracy 2022 Description / Buy

Order of Glass Library Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 The Librarian of Crooked Lane 2022 Description / Buy
2 The Medici Manuscript 2023 Description / Buy
3 The Untitled Books 2023 Description / Buy
4 The Dead Letter Delivery 2024 Description / Buy
5 The Secrets of the Lost Ledgers 2024 Description / Buy

Order of After The Rift Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 The Palace of Lost Memories 2018 Description / Buy
2 The Echo of Broken Dreams 2018 Description / Buy
3 The Whisper of Silenced Voices 2019 Description / Buy
4 The Temple of Forgotten Secrets 2019 Description / Buy
5 The Prison of Buried Hopes 2020 Description / Buy
6 The Return of Absent Souls 2020 Description / Buy

Order of Assassins Guild Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 The Charmer 2013 Description / Buy
2 The Rebel 2013 Description / Buy
3 The Saint 2014 Description / Buy
4 The Sinner 2014 Description / Buy

Order of Cleopatra Fox Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Murder at the Mayfair Hotel 2020 Description / Buy
2 Murder at the Piccadilly Playhouse 2021 Description / Buy
3 Murder in the Drawing Room 2021 Description / Buy
4 Murder at the Dressmaker's Salon 2022 Description / Buy
5 Murder at the Debutante Ball 2022 Description / Buy
6 Murder at the Crown and Anchor 2023 Description / Buy
7 Murder at the Polo Club 2023 Description / Buy
8 Murder at the Dinner Party 2024 Description / Buy
9 Murder on the Brighton Express 2024 Description / Buy

Order of Emily Chambers Spirit Medium Trilogy Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 The Medium 2012 Description / Buy
2 Possession 2012 Description / Buy
3 Evermore 2012 Description / Buy

Order of The 1st Freak House Trilogy Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 The Wrong Girl 2013 Description / Buy
2 Playing With Fire 2013 Description / Buy
3 Heart Burn 2013 Description / Buy

Order of The 2nd Freak House Trilogy Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 The Memory Keeper 2014 Description / Buy
2 Seared With Scars 2014 Description / Buy
3 Edge of Darkness 2014 Description / Buy

Order of The 3rd Freak House Trilogy Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Ghost Girl 2015 Description / Buy
2 Banished 2015 Description / Buy
3 My Soul To Take 2015 Description / Buy

Order of Lord Hawkesbury's Players Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Her Secret Desire 2011 Description / Buy
2 Scandal's Mistress 2011 Description / Buy
3 To Tempt the Devil 2012 Description / Buy

Order of The Ministry of Curiosities Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 The Last Necromancer 2015 Description / Buy
2 Her Majesty's Necromancer 2015 Description / Buy
3 Beyond the Grave 2015 Description / Buy
4 Grave Expectations 2016 Description / Buy
5 Ashes to Ashes (Short Story) 2016 Description / Buy
6 From The Ashes 2016 Description / Buy
7 Of Fate and Phantoms 2017 Description / Buy
8 Veiled In Moonlight 2017 Description / Buy
9 Vow of Deception 2017 Description / Buy
10 The Wisdom of Madness 2018 Description / Buy

Order of Witchblade Chronicles Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Honor Bound 2011 Description / Buy
2 Kiss of Ash 2011 Description / Buy

Order of C.J. Archer Standalone Novels

# Read Title Published Details
1 Redemption 2011 Description / Buy
2 Surrender 2012 Description / Buy

Order of C.J. Archer Short Stories/Novellas

# Read Title Published Details
1 The Mercenary's Price (Short Story) 2011 Description / Buy
2 Courting His Countess (Short Story) 2013 Description / Buy
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Eventually, she caught the writing bug. As a teenager, she tried her hand at poetry. But the results were terrible. Nonetheless, she has fond memories of those early days because they enhanced her love for the written word.

In the years that followed, Archer wrote short stories. Some of her work was published in women’s magazines. At the time, she did not have a specific goal in mind.

She wanted to write, and she did just that, experimenting with novels on occasion before jumping back to short stories. The author took great joy in putting her ideas on paper and watching as her characters took shape, slowly but surely morphing into tangible individuals in her imagination.

She looked at each writing project as an opportunity to practice her craft. Archer was fortunate to have reliable critique partners that helped her refine her style.

The author did not come into her own until she started writing historical fiction and realized she was most comfortable in the genre. Things were beginning to change for the better.

Archer secured an agent and waited for the opportunities to pour in. But then her luck soured. The global financial crisis struck, and the author’s opportunities vanished. Editors were too busy fighting for their jobs to bother with new authors.

But Archer had no intention of giving up. Despite the financial catastrophe rocking the world, she felt ready. And if traditional publishers wouldn’t give her a shot, she would take her chances with the Kindle Direct Publishing program.

The concept was a godsend for Archer when she first discovered it because the program would enable her to bypass traditional editors and publishers. The author read everything she could about indie publishing.

After taking time off from work to care for her second child, she waited until the boy started school. Then she polished her manuscript, hired a cover artist, and submitted the story.

Within a year, the earnings from her novels had exceeded the salary from her day job. She started churning out stories, determined to satisfy her growing audience.

Before long, she had secured a position on USA Today’s bestseller list. She did this again and again. Her sales have continued to skyrocket since those early days.

She doesn’t regret her decision to publish her stories digitally. Besides the freedom she enjoys, indie publishing has given Archer a wider reach. She doesn’t think that her books would have attracted the same international readership if she had secured a traditional Australian publisher.

She also appreciates the fact that she has retained complete control over her stories. Archer can publish novels at her own pace, following any schedule she chooses. She encourages aspiring indie authors to treat writing as a job, not a hobby.

They should sink as many hours into the activity as possible every single day. Readers will reward their diligence.

Best C. J. Archer Books

The author was a librarian and IT Support person. She also earned a living as a technical writer, but she hated it. She takes great pleasure in her career as an indie author. Archer’s best books include:

The Watchmaker’s Daughter: India Steele was desperate. Her father was gone, and so was her fiancé. He had taken her inheritance. With no prospects, she had tied her fate to Matthew Glass, the only man willing to employ her.

But Matthew was no ordinary watchmaker. It wasn’t just the watch, which rejuvenated him whenever he fell ill, but the expensive home he occupied despite his meager earnings.

Now, Steele must choose. An outlaw has just arrived in England. This Dark Rider is searching for a fugitive. But betraying Matthew means losing her job.

The Last Necromancer: Charlotte was at her wit’s end. She had to steal to survive. But someone had taken note of her crimes. Finally incarcerated and facing a bleak future, she had no choice.

Charlie was forced to raise a spirit. The last time she had unleashed her powers, Charlie’s father had banished her. This time, the girl has drawn the attention of the wrong people.

When Does The Next C.J. Archer book come out?

The next book by C.J. Archer is The Secrets of the Lost Ledgers and will be released on September, 3rd 2024. It is the newest book in the Glass Library Series.


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