Christopher Reich Books

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Christopher Reich is a Swiss American author that writes legal thrillers and crime fiction. He was born in 1961 in Tokyo. His father (Willy Wolfgang Reich) was a Swiss man running a Japanese travel agency. The family left Japan for the US in 1965.

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Order of Jonathan Ransom Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Rules of Deception 2008 Description / Buy
2 Rules of Vengeance 2009 Description / Buy
3 Rules of Betrayal 2010 Description / Buy

Order of Mac Dekker Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Matterhorn 2024 Description / Buy
2 The Tourists 2025 Description / Buy

Order of Simon Riske Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 The Take 2018 Description / Buy
2 Crown Jewel 2019 Description / Buy
3 The Palace 2020 Description / Buy
4 Once a Thief 2022 Description / Buy

Order of Christopher Reich Standalone Novels

# Read Title Published Details
1 Numbered Account 1998 Description / Buy
2 The Runner 2000 Description / Buy
3 The First Billion 2002 Description / Buy
4 The Devil's Banker 2003 Description / Buy
5 The Patriots Club 2005 Description / Buy
6 The Prince of Risk 2013 Description / Buy
7 Invasion of Privacy 2015 Description / Buy

Order of Christopher Reich Short Stories/Novellas

# Read Title Published Details
1 Assassins (Short Story) 2017 Description / Buy
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The author’s education includes stints at Carl Curtis School and Harvard-Westlake. For the most part, high school was more impactful to Reich’s life than college. First of all, the author had terrific teachers that shaped his life.

Secondly, Reich remembers taking a trip to a camp on the slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro during his high school years. The notion of visiting Kenya and sleeping in the wild excited the author.

The students started each day by running a mile, swimming in a frigid pool, and then doing their chores. But Reich still thinks fondly of those days. He remembers one particular student, a fellow from Detroit with massive muscles.

The kid in question was a bully who took great pleasure in harassing his peers. Everything changed when someone tied a smelly sock to a string and threw it at the kid while he slept. The bully, who was extremely rat-phobic, was so scared he cried.

The incident made a new man out of him. From that point onward, he presented a friendly demeanor, offering a helping hand whenever the need arose.

When their time at the camp ended, they capped the trip off by climbing Mt. Kenya. The author’s adult years were not quite as magical. Once his time at Havard school came to a close, he joined the School of Foreign Service.

The next four years were incredible, allowing the author to engage the likes of Arthur Burns (Retired Fed Chief), not to mention working on Ted Kennedy’s campaign. When he graduated from Georgetown University, Reich became a stockbroker, a career choice that ultimately ushered him into the publishing field.

A client told the author he needed to attend business school because he knew next to nothing about stocks and bonds. The author took the advice to heart, went back to school, graduated, and then marched out into the world, determined to milk as much money out of Wall Street as possible.

But then the author flew to New York, bought a new suit, and walked into an interview. The fellow he spoke to told Reich that he wouldn’t get the job because of his lackluster Georgetown grades.

Reich, who was thoroughly deflated by the rejection, settled for a job at the Union Bank of Switzerland that offered a smaller salary, unaware that ‘Numbered Account,’ his first novel, was waiting around the corner.

Christopher Reich Awards

The author has won the International Thriller Writers Award.

Best Christopher Reich Books

The author’s first novel sold over a million copies. Reich’s best books include:

Numbered Account: Everyone thought Nick Neumann’s life was perfect. After all, he had a beautiful fiancé and a great job. But Nick had a problem. Someone had brutally murdered his father nearly two decades ago, and Nick wanted answers.

The last thing he expected was for new evidence to link the United Swiss Bank to his father’s murder, the same bank that had employed Nick’s father. No one would tell Nick what he needed to know.

So he took action, making the trip to Zurich and landing a position at the United Swiss Bank. Nick hoped that he would catch the killer by retracing his father’s footsteps. But far more was going on than Nick had initially realized.

Now, Nick knows the truth about everything, including himself. A conspiracy is afoot, and Nick will be the man to unravel it.

Rules of Deception: Doctor Jonathan Ransom couldn’t have known. When the Doctors Without Borders surgeon decided to go climbing in the Swiss Alps, Jonathan couldn’t have known that his wife would perish.

But then it happened. Emma fell into a crevasse, and Jonathan was left to pick up the pieces. His mourning period was interrupted by an envelope. His wife should have been the recipient, but she wasn’t there to receive the baggage claim tickets.

So Jonathan accepted the tickets in her place. Suddenly curious about the mystery, the doctor went to a railway station in the hopes of finding answers. But then the police attacked him, and Jonathan fled.

Now he knows that his wife had a secret life, and the surgeon is determined to find the truth.

When Does The Next Christopher Reich book come out?

The next book by Christopher Reich is The Tourists and will be released on July, 22nd 2025. It is the newest book in the Mac Dekker Series.

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