D.J. Molles Books

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D.J. Molles is a New York Times and USA Today Indie and traditionally published bestseller that writes science fiction and horror. Molles’ path to publishing success was not straightforward. He wrote a book and tried to get it published the traditional way.

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Order of The Remaining Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 The Remaining 2012 Description / Buy
2 Aftermath 2012 Description / Buy
3 Refugees 2012 Description / Buy
4 Fractured 2013 Description / Buy
5 Trust (Short Story) 2014 Description / Buy
6 Faith (Short Story) 2014 Description / Buy
7 Allegiance 2015 Description / Buy
8 Extinction 2015 Description / Buy
9 Abe 2024 Description / Buy

Order of A Grower's War Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Rocky River Bridge 2017 Description / Buy
2 The Purge of District 89 2017 Description / Buy
3 Renegades 2017 Description / Buy
4 Rogue Cell 2017 Description / Buy

Order of Lee Harden Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Harden 2018 Description / Buy
2 Southlands 2019 Description / Buy
3 Primal 2020 Description / Buy
4 Defiant 2020 Description / Buy
5 Unbowed 2021 Description / Buy
6 Terminus 2022 Description / Buy
7 The Valley 2023 Description / Buy

Order of Godbreaker Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Breaking Gods 2019 Description / Buy
2 The Nine 2020 Description / Buy
3 Confluence 2021 Description / Buy

Order of D.J. Molles Standalone Novels

# Read Title Published Details
1 Wolves 2016 Description / Buy
2 Johnny 2018 Description / Buy
3 The Santas 2020 Description / Buy
4 A Harvest of Ash and Blood 2023 Description / Buy
5 The Book of Dog 2023 Description / Buy
6 Sanctuary 2024 Description / Buy
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But publishers repeatedly rejected him. So he took a break to focus on his career. He came back to fiction because he enjoyed writing and storytelling in general. That enjoyment allowed him to persevere even though his chances of landing a publisher seemed so low at the time.

He started and completed ‘The Remaining’ because he was writing for himself and having fun doing so. Eventually, he found success in indie publishing and noticed that he enjoyed the freedom that came with the industry.

However, later on, he signed a deal with Orbit that introduced his books to a broader audience. It took a while for the author to identify a fitting publisher. Molles and his agent considered many options.

The author saw deals that he liked but his agent hated. He also considered options that his agent approved of but which Molles rejected. Ultimately, they both agreed that Orbit’s terms were flexible enough to benefit the author’s career as opposed to stunting it.

Many people assume that Molles has a military background because of the subject matter his novels tackle. They seem so realistic. But Molles never served. His brother was in the army. In fact, he convinced the author to join him.

But Molles’ wife vetoed the idea. The author went into law enforcement as a compromise. It gave him some of the fun and adventure he wanted without taking him away from his family. The author’s novels feel realistic because many of his friends are veterans, which gives him a wealth of information to draw from.

His brother is always a call away. Initially, the author was hesitant to quit his day job. His goal was to become a full-time writer once ‘The Remaining’ became a financial success. But even after the book exceeded the author’s targets, he was not comfortable leaving law enforcement.

After all, the job gave him experiences that shaped his stories. He had seen authors whose work had suffered because writing full-time disconnected them from the real world. Molles had no intention of following in their footsteps.

A time came when the author realized that retirement would give him more time to write. But it took Molles a while to make that decision. Although, he doesn’t regret sitting on the fence for so long.

Unlike some of his colleagues, Molles is not afraid to read one and two-star reviews of his books. He appreciates the feedback because it sharpens his writing. However, he only reads reviews for the first month after a new book comes out.

Once he starts writing a new manuscript, the reviews become detrimental to his process because he can’t help but change his style to fit the demands of his readers. It feels like he’s using a focus group to write his books, which is unappealing to the author.

Best D.J. Molles Books

While Molles is more than happy to engage his readers, the author does a poor job of promoting his work. Marketing isn’t his strong suit, which is why you don’t see him organizing book signings. Molles’ best books include:

The Remaining: Civilization was gone. A plague had ravaged the earth, infiltrating the brains of its victims and turning 90 percent of the population into aggressive predators that lived to kill and eat. Captain Lee Harden was alive because of the bunker 40 feet below his basement.

The steel and lead walls would keep him safe. But he couldn’t stay there forever. A time was coming when he would open the hatch and venture into hostile territory.

Aftermath: Nothing had gone right. Any hope Captain Lee Harden had of rescuing his countrymen and finding a semblance of safety had gone out the window. Now, his only hope was a group of survivors Lee had coincidentally stumbled across.

The wounded and weaponless soldier wanted a moment of peace to heal and find his footing. But the group was quickly unraveling in the wake of a tragedy. Even worse, a new threat was determined to stop Lee from performing his duty.

When Does The Next D.J. Molles book come out?

D.J. Molles doesn't seem to have an upcoming book. Their newest book is Abe and was released on May, 7th 2024. It is the newest book in the The Remaining Series.


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