Denzil Meyrick Books

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Denzil Meyrick is a Scottish author that writes crime fiction. Born in 1965 in Glasgow, Scotland, Denzil attended Campbelltown Grammar School in Argyll. He also graduated from the University of Paisley.

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Order of DCI Daley Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Whisky From Small Glasses 2012 Description / Buy
2 The Last Witness 2014 Description / Buy
3 Dalintober Moon (Short Story) 2014 Description / Buy
4 Dark Suits and Sad Songs 2015 Description / Buy
5 Two One Three (Short Story) 2015 Description / Buy
6 The Rat Stone Serenade 2016 Description / Buy
7 Empty Nets and Promises (Short Story) 2016 Description / Buy
8 Single End (Short Story) 2016 Description / Buy
9 One Last Dram Before Midnight 2017 Description / Buy
10 Well of the Winds 2017 Description / Buy
11 The Relentless Tide 2018 Description / Buy
12 A Breath on Dying Embers 2019 Description / Buy
13 Jeremiah's Bell 2020 Description / Buy
14 For Any Other Truth 2021 Description / Buy
15 The Death of Remembrance 2022 Description / Buy
16 No Sweet Sorrow 2023 Description / Buy

Order of Tales from Kinloch Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 A Large Measure of Snow 2020 Description / Buy
2 A Toast to the Old Stones 2021 Description / Buy
3 Ghosts in the Gloaming 2022 Description / Buy

Order of Denzil Meyrick Standalone Novels

# Read Title Published Details
1 Terms of Restitution 2021 Description / Buy
2 The Estate 2024 Description / Buy

Order of Frank Grasby Mystery Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Murder at Holly House 2023 Description / Buy
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The author occupied several diverse positions over the course of his life, including working as a freelance journalist, running a public bar, and managing a marketing company. But his most influential career is a stint as a police officer in his twenties because it shapes the books he writes.

Most people would curse the universe if they came down with crippling arthritis. But for Denzil, the development was a blessing in disguise. The illness struck the author in 2010, stripping away most of his distractions.

Suddenly burdened with more free time than he knew how to fill, Denzil decided to write. At the time, he had no idea that publishing would become his primary career. It wasn’t a coincidence that Denzil chose to pursue storytelling when the opportunity arose.

Writing had always appealed to him. But he could never find the time to give it a serious go. He blames a cousin for inspiring the title of his debut novel (Whisky from Small Glasses). The pair were enjoying their vacation on the Isle of Mull when Denzil’s cousin wondered out loud why men from Scotland drank whisky from small glasses. For some reason, that sentence stuck with him. The author is grateful that he can earn a living from his passion.

Denzil has spent most of his life working for himself. Publishing is no different. There’s no secret to his success. The author finds inspiration everywhere he looks, be it newspapers, TV shows, or random conversations.

Once he has a thread of an idea that includes a beginning, middle, and end, the author sits down with his laptop and gets to work. Denzil agrees that writing is a lonely profession. He enjoys stepping away from the keyboard on occasion to travel.

The world is a beautiful place, and the author tries to see as much of it as possible. However, he travels for the fun of it, not for research purposes. After all, Denzil is already familiar with the settings that appear in his books.

His background as a police officer informs his stories because he understands the world of law enforcement. He knows how police officers communicate, not to mention the motives that drive them.

However, the author doesn’t use his personal experiences as inspiration. All the stories he writes are fictional. They emerge from his imagination.

Denzil encourages new writers to learn as much as they can about their craft. He also discourages them from experimenting with indie publishing until they’ve dipped their toes into traditional publishing.

Although, he admits that traditional publishing is a challenging world to infiltrate. But if you believe in the quality of your manuscript, the author doesn’t see why you wouldn’t succeed in your endeavors.

Best Denzil Meyrick Books

When the author isn’t writing, you will find him playing instruments and watching sports (Football, rugby, and cricket). Denzil’s best novels include:

Whisky from Small Glasses: D.C.I Jim Daley is not necessarily glad when a young woman’s body washes up on Scotland’s west coast. However, being despatched to lead the investigation gives him a reprieve from his troubled marriage.

Unfortunately for Daley, things are about to take a turn for the worst. Daley thought the local police chief would prove to be his biggest challenge. But then people started dying. Even more appalling was the network of lies and secrets Daley kept uncovering in the close-knit community.

Now, the detective and his loved ones are caught in a deadly web, and Daley doesn’t know whether they can escape with their lives.

The Last Witness: James Machie was a bad man. His criminal empire was vast, and Machie’s penchant for violence was unrivaled. Fortunately for everyone, the courts tried and convicted him. And then someone did the world a favor by assassinating the fellow.

D.C.I Jim Daley had been a crucial piece of Machie’s conviction. And five years later, he had moved on from the trial. But James Machie wasn’t done with him or the other figures that had conspired to bring him down.

Machie was back from the grave and wouldn’t rest until everyone who wronged him paid.

When Does The Next Denzil Meyrick book come out?

Denzil Meyrick doesn't seem to have an upcoming book. Their newest book is The Estate and was released on May, 9th 2024.

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