Gervase Phinn Books

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Gervase Phinn is a British author that writes autobiographical books. A former student at Leeds Trinity University, where he got his Education degree, the author was born in Rotherham, England, in 1946.

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Order of Little Village School Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 The Little Village School 2011 Description / Buy
2 Trouble at the Little Village School 2012 Description / Buy
3 The School Inspector Calls! 2014 Description / Buy
4 A Lesson in Love 2014 Description / Buy
5 Secrets at the Little Village School 2016 Description / Buy

Order of Top of the Dale Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 The School at the Top of the Dale 2018 Description / Buy
2 Tales Out of School 2020 Description / Buy
3 A Class Act 2021 Description / Buy

Order of Gervase Phinn Standalone Novels

# Read Title Published Details
1 Dominic's Discovery 1999 Description / Buy
2 A Bit of a Hero 2009 Description / Buy
3 At the Captain's Table 2022 Description / Buy

Order of Gervase Phinn Short Stories/Novellas

# Read Title Published Details
1 All These Lonely People (Short Story) 2009 Description / Buy

Order of Gervase Phinn Short Story Collections

# Read Title Published Details
1 Classroom Creatures (Short Story) 1996 Description / Buy
2 I Gave My Love a Red, Red Nose (Short Story) 2001 Description / Buy
3 It Takes One To Know One (Short Story) 2001 Description / Buy
4 The Day Our Teacher Went Batty (Short Story) 2002 Description / Buy
5 Don't Go Pet a Porcupine (Short Story) 2003 Description / Buy
6 Poetry & Anthologies (Short Story) 2003 Description / Buy
7 Family Phantoms (Short Story) 2003 Description / Buy
8 What I Like! (Short Story) 2004 Description / Buy
9 Don't Tell the Teacher (Short Story) 2006 Description / Buy
10 Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Stars (Short Story) 2008 Description / Buy
11 A Load of Old Tripe 2009 Description / Buy
12 There's an Alien in the Classroom - and Other Poems (Short Story) 2010 Description / Buy
13 The Virgin Mary's Got Nits 2014 Description / Buy

Order of Gervase Phinn Standalone Plays

# Read Title Published Details
1 Stage Write 1988 Description / Buy
2 Right on Cue 1989 Description / Buy

Order of Gervase Phinn Picture Books

# Read Title Published Details
1 Our Cat Cuddles (Short Story) 1996 Description / Buy
2 Who Am I? (Short Story) 2012 Description / Buy

Order of Gervase Phinn Chapter Books

# Read Title Published Details
1 The Riotous Return of Royston Knapper (Short Story) 1989 Description / Buy
2 What's the Matter, Royston Knapper? (Short Story) 1996 Description / Buy
3 Bad Becky (Short Story) 2004 Description / Buy
4 Bad Becky in Trouble (Short Story) 2005 Description / Buy

Order of The Dales Non-Fiction Books

# Read Title Published Details
1 The Other Side of the Dale 1998 Description / Buy
2 Over Hill and Dale 1999 Description / Buy
3 Head Over Heels in the Dales 2001 Description / Buy
4 Up and Down in the Dales 2004 Description / Buy
5 The Heart of the Dales 2007 Description / Buy

Order of Best Days of Our Lives Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Best Days of Our Lives 2020 Description / Buy
2 Grandchildren 2020 Description / Buy

Order of Gervase Phinn Non-Fiction Books

# Read Title Published Details
1 Vital Resource (Short Story) 1993 Description / Buy
2 Touches of Beauty 1995 Description / Buy
3 Young Readers and Their Books (Short Story) 2000 Description / Buy
4 Gervase Phinn's Yorkshire. (Short Story) 2003 Description / Buy
5 Little Gems (Short Story) 2004 Description / Buy
6 A Wayne in a Manger 2005 Description / Buy
7 Little Angels (Short Story) 2006 Description / Buy
8 Little Treasures (Short Story) 2007 Description / Buy
9 All Our Yesterdays 2008 Description / Buy
10 Teaching Poetry in the Primary Classroom 2009 Description / Buy
11 Road to the Dales 2010 Description / Buy
12 Out of the Woods But Not Over the Hill 2010 Description / Buy
13 Mangled English 2013 Description / Buy

Order of Puffin Poetry Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Quick, Let's Get Out of Here (Short Story) ( By: Michael Rosen) 1983 Description / Buy
2 Poets in hand ( By: John Fuller, Elizabeth Jennings, Anne Harvey, Vernon Scannell, Charles Causley) 1985 Description / Buy
3 Penguin Portable Poets ( By: Brian Patten) 1990 Description / Buy
4 You Wait Till I'm Older Than You! (Short Story) ( By: Michael Rosen) 1996 Description / Buy
5 Funky Chickens (Short Story) ( By: Benjamin Zephaniah) 1996 Description / Buy
6 Michael Rosen's Book of Very Silly Poems (Short Story) ( By: Michael Rosen) 1996 Description / Buy
7 Wicked World! (Short Story) ( By: Benjamin Zephaniah) 2000 Description / Buy
8 Juggling with Gerbils (Short Story) ( By: Brian Patten) 2000 Description / Buy
9 Centrally Heated Knickers ( By: Michael Rosen) 2000 Description / Buy
10 Friendly Matches (Short Story) ( By: Allan Ahlberg) 2001 Description / Buy
11 The Day Our Teacher Went Batty (Short Story) 2002 Description / Buy
12 The Bee's Knees (Short Story) ( By: Roger McGough) 2003 Description / Buy
13 The Monsters' Guide to Choosing a Pet (Short Story) ( By: Roger McGough, Brian Patten) 2004 Description / Buy
14 Michael Rosen's Big Book of Bad Things ( By: Michael Rosen) 2010 Description / Buy
15 Poetry Pie (Short Story) ( By: Roger McGough) 2015 Description / Buy
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Many people knew him as an educator because he spent fourteen years teaching at various schools. But even when he left, Gervase stayed within the same yield, becoming an education adviser and inspector.

These days, he wears many hats. Besides publishing articles and academic texts, the author is a broadcaster, public speaker, and lecturer. Don’t be surprised if you see him at an education conference. Although, Gervase’s standup performances are probably his most popular creative outlet.

He has an incisive memory. The author will also take inspiration from the observations and anecdotes he records in his sizable collection of notebooks, diaries, and journals. When they first pitched him the live show, they expected Gervase to do a week’s worth of shows.

No one expected the author’s performances to garner so much attention. People want to hear Gervase speak because his stories are humorous and life-affirming. Even though he was older than the average performer (late 50s) when he started, the notion of stopping has never occurred to him.

Retirement doesn’t appeal to Gervase. He doesn’t want to spend his final decades gardening, playing golf, and doing crossword puzzles in the local newspaper. Gervase is determined to persevere for as long as his mind and body permits.

He blames his parents for his attitude. The pair always believed he would succeed, instilling in him the confidence and self-esteem that drives the author whenever he steps on stage. Gervase encourages aspiring authors to manifest a similar attitude.

When he expressed an interest in writing, a tutor at Leeds University (Dr. Raymond Cowell) encouraged him to read a lot and to record the observations he made in a notebook. That material is the foundation from which the author’s many books and memoirs have emerged.

But that doesn’t mean the author’s success came easy. He wasn’t the brightest of students and worked very hard to get ahead. He also credits his teachers for supporting and encouraging him.

He doesn’t take for granted all the opportunities they gave him to stand before a class and present his ideas. Gervase continues to decry the pressure exerted on contemporary teachers. As a passionate educator, he disagrees with people who argue that teachers are somehow worse now than they were in the past.

If anything, Gervase thinks modern teachers are better. Unfortunately, they must carry a heavier load that includes endless paperwork and unstable working conditions.

Best Gervase Phinn Books

The author is an early bird. He sleeps at 9 pm and wakes up at 4 am to write. Gervase’s best books include:

The Other Side Of The Dale: Gervase Phinn’s job as a school inspector takes him to all sorts of places, enabling the educator to meet a wide variety of individuals. This book allows readers to accompany Gervase on his journey. They watch as he receives his appointment and then goes about dealing with schoolteachers that should have retired years ago clever kids with a sharp sense of humor, and secretaries that always get things wrong.

The book is autobiographical and chronicles the author’s real-life adventures in his first year after abandoning teaching to become a County Inspector of Schools. Gervase provides valuable insight about his job and the people of Yorkshire, placing particular emphasis on the teachers and children in the countryside.

The children Gervase meets are charming, and some adults could learn a lot from them. Gervase’s love for children is visible in every word he writes.

Over Hill And Dale: The second book in the Dale Series follows the same premise as its predecessor. However, this time, Gervase has entered his second year as a school inspector. The children are still as frank as ever, and the teachers don’t always behave.

But the author is far from daunted. Gervase is ready to overcome the obstacles his new career presents even as he learns from and teaches the young minds he encounters. Meanwhile, Christine Bentley continues to dominate his waking hours.

He’s determined to claim the lovely headteacher but doesn’t know what he will do if she refuses to reciprocate his feelings.

When Does The Next Gervase Phinn book come out?

Gervase Phinn doesn't seem to have an upcoming book. Their newest book is At the Captain's Table and was released on November, 1st 2022.

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