Gillian McAllister Books

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Gillian McAllister is a British author that gained fame when her debut novel secured the sixth spot on the Sunday Times Bestseller list. Born in 1985 in Sutton Coldfield, Gillian grew up in Tamworth. Her resume includes stints at Belgrave High School (Tamworth) and the University of Birmingham. She initially pursued English. But she converted to law, eventually attending The College of Law.

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Order of Gillian McAllister Standalone Novels

# Read Title Published Details
1 Everything but the Truth 2017 Description / Buy
2 Anything You Do Say / The Choice 2018 Description / Buy
3 No Further Questions / The Good Sister 2018 Description / Buy
4 The Evidence Against You 2019 Description / Buy
5 How to Disappear 2020 Description / Buy
6 That Night 2021 Description / Buy
7 Wrong Place, Wrong Time 2022 Description / Buy
8 Just Another Missing Person 2023 Description / Buy
9 Famous Last Words 2025 Description / Buy
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For the longest time, her legal work kept Gillian quite busy. But she always found the time to write. Though, she could only pursue the habit in her spare time which included evenings, holidays and her commutes to and from work. Despite a bout of glandular fever, she eventually finished her first novel.

It never received publication but it gave the author the push she needed to keep pursuing her writing career. Finally, she wrote and sold ‘Everything But the Truth’ to Penguin. The debut novel exceeded everyone’s expectations, becoming a bestseller.

Once she secured a two-book deal, Gillian decided to make writing her one and only priority. This meant abandoning her social life. She maintained an unhealthy schedule for a few years but she was more than happy to make the sacrifice because she was finally pursuing the career she had always wanted.

Before she started writing fiction, Gillian McAllister was an avid reader. As a child, she would walk over to the mobile library, checking out seven or more books at a time. She would read them in a fortnight, return them and then check out more.

Considering the volume of stories she was consuming on a regular basis, it came as no surprise when she finally decided to write. Gillian was only 12 when she wrote her first book. By the time she was 18, the author had already written a second novel.

She also found the time to journal and blog. Simply put, writing was one of the most important things in Gillian’s life. And yet, for the longest time, it was just a hobby. She enjoyed telling stories but she had no real interest in seriously pursuing publishing.

And once she entered her twenties, the author abandoned fiction altogether, choosing to spend her days blogging and writing articles. It was during her twenties that Gillian fell under the spell of glandular fever. The illness was quite severe. Gillian spent most of her time in bed, incapable of walking long distances.

During those years, she found the impetus and the time to write. She still wasn’t serious about the activity. Gillian’s writing was so intermittent. She would spend several months without adding to her manuscript.

Her turning point came at the age of 28. Even though she had completed law school and she had even trained as a lawyer, Gillian’s sickness drove her to question her future. If her health remained unreliable, she needed a Plan B. This led her to the realization that she had always wanted to become a novelist but she hadn’t even completed a single full-length novel.

This line of reasoning pushed her to take a serious shot at publishing. She submitted the first three chapters of her book to publishers. She also started looking for agents. Everyone she spoke to told Gillian that her writing was amazing but her stories were not quite as interesting.

So she went back to the drawing board and wrote her debut novel. Gillian’s father is a very important part of her life. Not only does she discuss her plots with him but he accompanies her on the trips she has to take for her research.

Best Gillian McAllister Books

Even though she has become a successful author, Gillian is still an active blogger whose posts read a lot like fiction, with some of the best books in her bibliography including:

Anything You Do Say: Joanna’s biggest weakness was her lack of courage. She preferred to avoid things rather than confronting them. This is what she had done her entire life. It is also the reason why she was always changing her career aspirations.

She wasn’t prepared to receive the attention a man at the bar kept throwing her way. On her way home, once she heard footsteps, she assumed that this same man had followed her. Without thinking, she turned and shoved him down the stairs.

Now he is lying on the floor, motionless, and Joanna doesn’t know what to do next.

No Further Questions: Martha and Becky are not just sisters. They are best friends. Their relationship takes a poor turn when Martha’s infant child dies in her sister’s care. Now Martha doesn’t know what to believe. Is Becky guilty? Did she do what they say she did?

When Does The Next Gillian McAllister book come out?

The next book by Gillian McAllister is Famous Last Words and will be released on February, 25th 2025.

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