Ivy Smoak Books

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Ivy Smoak is a self-published bestselling author that writes romance novels. Smoak believes that she only succeeded in publishing because she was stubborn. Reading did not come easily to her, not at first.

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Order of Empire High Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Empire High Untouchables 2020 Description / Buy
2 Empire High Elite 2020 Description / Buy
3 Empire High Betrayal 2020 Description / Buy
4 Empire High Matchmaker 2021 Description / Buy
5 Runaway 2022 Description / Buy
6 Homecoming 2022 Description / Buy
7 Exposed 2023 Description / Buy
8 Forever 2024 Description / Buy

Order of Gods of Pentavia Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 The Ruin of House Hornbolt 2018 Description / Buy

Order of The Hunted Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Temptation 2015 Description / Buy
2 Addiction 2015 Description / Buy
3 Eruption 2016 Description / Buy
4 Devotion 2016 Description / Buy
5 The Light to My Darkness 2017 Description / Buy
6 A Whirlwind of Color 2018 Description / Buy
7 This Is Love 2019 Description / Buy
8 Seduction 2022 Description / Buy

Order of The Light to My Darkness Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 The Light to My Darkness 2017 Description / Buy
2 A Whirlwind of Color 2018 Description / Buy
3 This Is Love 2019 Description / Buy

Order of Made of Steel Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Made of Steel 2017 Description / Buy
2 Forged in Flames 2017 Description / Buy
3 Carved in Ice 2018 Description / Buy

Order of Men of Manhattan Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 City of Sin 2015 Description / Buy
2 Missing Pieces 2017 Description / Buy
3 Third Chances 2018 Description / Buy

Order of Sea of Stars Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Sea of Stars 2019 Description / Buy

Order of Secrets of Suburbia Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 The Truth in My Lies 2018 Description / Buy
2 Sweet Like a Psycho 2019 Description / Buy
3 Crazy In Love 2020 Description / Buy

Order of Single Girl Rules Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Single Girl Rules #BFF (Short Story) 2021 Description / Buy
2 Single Girl Rules #BananaParty 2021 Description / Buy
3 Single Girl Rules #ThreeHeadedMonster 2022 Description / Buy
4 Single Girl Rules #GoddessContest (Short Story) 2022 Description / Buy
5 Single Girl Rules #Auctioned 2023 Description / Buy
6 Single Girl Rules #HoHoHo 2023 Description / Buy

Order of The Society Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 The Society #StalkerProblems 2021 Description / Buy
2 The Society #ThisIsWar 2023 Description / Buy

Order of Sweet Cravings Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Playing a Player 2015 Description / Buy
2 Going for Gold 2016 Description / Buy
3 Those Summer Nights 2019 Description / Buy

Order of Ivy Smoak Standalone Novels

# Read Title Published Details
1 A Christmas Wish (Short Story) 2015 Description / Buy
2 James the Christmas Grouch (Short Story) 2018 Description / Buy
3 Best Year Ever (Short Story) 2018 Description / Buy
4 Scarlett and the Kiss Thief (Short Story) 2022 Description / Buy
5 Bad Things Feel Best 2023 Description / Buy
6 Roughing the Princess (Short Story) 2023 Description / Buy

Order of Professor Hunter Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Obsessed 2021 Description / Buy
2 Devoured 2023 Description / Buy
3 Loved 2024 Description / Buy
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In elementary school, the author hated the fact that she was in the lowest reading class. But rather than resting on her laurels, she made reading a priority.

Within months, she had developed a passion for the written word that never went away. Before long, she was in the highest reading class. It did not take long for dreams of a publishing career to invade her mind.

Initially, she dismissed the idea as an impossible goal. But then she went to college and wrote a book that crushed her confidence because she submitted it to dozens of literary agents, and they all rejected it.

To make matters worse, people kept telling her that she was chasing a pipe dream. Apparently, the publishing industry had no interest in her voice. Smoak’s stubborn streak kicked in, and she rejected the naysayers.

But her second book was equally disappointing. She knew the manuscript was superior to the first book. And rather than hounding literary agents, she decided to self-publish the story.

But it sold a paltry 20 copies. This second encounter with failure was worse because the market had rejected her. That should have been it for Smoak. She had every reason to surrender.

But her fiancé wouldn’t let her. When Fifty Shades of Grey came out, Ryan pushed her to read it. Then he told Smoak that her stories belonged in the same genre as Fifty Shades.

Her previous detractors were right. The publishing industry had no place for her because she hadn’t discovered her niche. But now, she had a starting point. Rather than second-guessing herself, Smoak got to work.

She started churning out stories, and readers responded positively. They flooded the author with messages and comments praising her novels for subverting expectations.

Her books were real and raw and unlike anything they had seen in the romance genre. They showed their support by buying Smoak’s books in droves. The author’s stories started landing prominent positions on Amazon’s bestseller list, outcompeting novels with TV and movie adaptations.

Now, Smoak is living her best life. She cannot believe that she has succeeded as a self-published author without the backing of a traditional publisher.

She wants her story to inspire other people. Smoak has encouraged aspiring writers to persist despite the many roadblocks they will encounter on their journey.

Smoak is not averse to forming a partnership with a traditional publishing house. But she is also happy to remain in the indie publishing arena.

Her career is a full-time business. She shares the responsibilities with Ryan, who was promoted from fiancé to husband. The choice to dedicate their lives to publishing was a gamble.

But the moment they made Smoak’s career a priority, they saw the financial rewards almost immediately.

Best Ivy Smoak Books

The most fulfilling aspect of the author’s career is the thriving Facebook community her fans have built. Smoak’s best novels include:

Temptation: No one would have guessed that shy Penny Taylor had fallen for her professor. She wanted to resist him, but it was evident that he wanted her as well. Professor Hunter should have known better.

After abandoning his billionaire lifestyle in New York, Hunter wanted to live a quiet life in the small town. But Penny was stunning. She knew he had secrets, and they only made her want him more.

Hunter did what he could to avoid her. But it was only a matter of time before they both crossed the line.

Addiction: When Penny decided to pursue her professor, she did not expect things to end so poorly. She should have known better. Penny should have realized that their secret would ruin everything.

But it was too late. Hunter was keeping his distance, and Penny could barely cope with his silence. She hated that he was unfazed by their situation. But Penny had to move on.

She had to accept that their fling had come to an abrupt end. Her only hope of finding peace was to follow her best friend’s advice. She had to find someone new, a man that could blot the thought of Hunter from her mind.

When Does The Next Ivy Smoak book come out?

Ivy Smoak doesn't seem to have an upcoming book. Their newest book is Forever and was released on May, 23rd 2024. It is the newest book in the Empire High Series.


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