Kathleen O’Neal Gear Books

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Kathleen O’Neal Gear is an American author that was born in 1954. Kathleen would describe herself first as an archeologist and a historian who spent many a year working for the government. The author’s foray into this realm, at least professionally, began with her work at the Museum of Cultural History in Los Angeles where Kathleen was working to catalogue the statues of saints from Guatemala. From there, she moved to the United States Department of the Interior before finding a place at a private firm as a co-principle investigator.

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Order of First North Americans Series with W. Michael Gear

# Read Title Published Details
1 People of the Wolf 1990 Description / Buy
2 People of the Fire 1990 Description / Buy
3 People of the Earth 1992 Description / Buy
4 People of the River 1992 Description / Buy
5 People of the Sea 1993 Description / Buy
6 People of the Lakes 1994 Description / Buy
7 People of the Lightning 1995 Description / Buy
8 People of the Silence 1996 Description / Buy
9 People of the Mist 1997 Description / Buy
10 People of the Masks 1998 Description / Buy
11 People of the Owl 2003 Description / Buy
12 People of the Raven 2004 Description / Buy
13 People of the Moon 2005 Description / Buy
14 People of the Nightland 2007 Description / Buy
15 People of the Weeping Eye 2008 Description / Buy
16 People of the Thunder 2009 Description / Buy
17 People of the Longhouse 2010 Description / Buy
18 The Dawn Country 2011 Description / Buy
19 The Broken Land 2012 Description / Buy
20 People of the Black Sun 2012 Description / Buy
21 Copper Falcon (Short Story) 2014 Description / Buy
22 People of the Morning Star 2014 Description / Buy
23 The Dead Man's Doll (Short Story) 2015 Description / Buy
24 People of the Songtrail 2015 Description / Buy
25 Sun Born 2016 Description / Buy
26 Moon Hunt 2017 Description / Buy
27 Star Path 2019 Description / Buy
28 People of the Canyons 2020 Description / Buy
29 Lightning Shell 2022 Description / Buy

Chronological Order of First North Americans Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 People of the Wolf 1990 Description / Buy
2 People of the Nightland 2007 Description / Buy
3 People of the Sea 1993 Description / Buy
4 People of the Raven 2004 Description / Buy
5 People of the Lightning 1995 Description / Buy
6 People of the Fire 1990 Description / Buy
7 People of the Earth 1992 Description / Buy
8 People of the Owl 2003 Description / Buy
9 People of the Lakes 1994 Description / Buy
10 People of the River 1992 Description / Buy
11 People of the Silence 1996 Description / Buy
12 People of the Moon 2005 Description / Buy
13 People of the Masks 1998 Description / Buy
14 People of the Weeping Eye 2008 Description / Buy
15 People of the Thunder 2009 Description / Buy
16 People of the Mist 1997 Description / Buy
17 People of the Longhouse 2010 Description / Buy
18 The Dawn Country 2011 Description / Buy
19 The Broken Land 2012 Description / Buy
20 People of the Black Sun 2012 Description / Buy
21 People of the Morning Star 2014 Description / Buy
22 People of the Songtrail 2015 Description / Buy
23 Copper Falcon (Short Story) 2014 Description / Buy
24 The Dead Man's Doll (Short Story) 2015 Description / Buy
25 Sun Born 2016 Description / Buy
26 Moon Hunt 2017 Description / Buy
27 Star Path 2019 Description / Buy
28 People of the Canyons 2020 Description / Buy
29 Lightning Shell 2022 Description / Buy

Order of Powers Of Light Series as Kathleen M. O'Neal

# Read Title Published Details
1 An Abyss of Light 1990 Description / Buy
2 Treasure of Light 1990 Description / Buy
3 Redemption of Light 1991 Description / Buy

Order of Anasazi Mysteries Series with W. Michael Gear

# Read Title Published Details
1 The Visitant 1999 Description / Buy
2 The Summoning God 2000 Description / Buy
3 Bone Walker 2001 Description / Buy

Order of Genetic Thriller Series with W. Michael Gear

# Read Title Published Details
1 Dark Inheritance 2001 Description / Buy
2 Raising Abel 2002 Description / Buy

Order of Black Falcon Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 It Sleeps in Me 2004 Description / Buy
2 It Wakes in Me 2006 Description / Buy
3 It Dreams in Me 2007 Description / Buy

Order of Contact: The Battle For America Series with W. Michael Gear

# Read Title Published Details
1 Coming of the Storm 2010 Description / Buy
2 Fire the Sky 2011 Description / Buy
3 A Searing Wind 2012 Description / Buy

Order of Rewilding Reports Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 The Ice Lion 2021 Description / Buy
2 The Ice Ghost 2022 Description / Buy
3 The Ice Orphan 2022 Description / Buy

Order of The Peacemaker's Tale Series with W. Michael Gear

# Read Title Published Details
1 People of the Longhouse 2010 Description / Buy
2 The Dawn Country 2011 Description / Buy
3 The Broken Land 2012 Description / Buy
4 Shadowed Forest 2024 Description / Buy
5 The Dusk Country 2024 Description / Buy
6 Blood Lightning 2024 Description / Buy

Chronological Order of The Peacemaker's Tale Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 People of the Longhouse 2010 Description / Buy
1 People of the Longhouse 2010 Description / Buy
2 Shadowed Forest 2024 Description / Buy
3 The Dawn Country 2011 Description / Buy
3 The Dawn Country 2011 Description / Buy
4 The Dusk Country 2024 Description / Buy
5 The Broken Land 2012 Description / Buy
5 The Broken Land 2012 Description / Buy
6 Blood Lightning 2024 Description / Buy

Order of Kathleen O'Neal Gear Standalone Novels

# Read Title Published Details
1 Sand in the Wind 1990 Description / Buy
2 This Widowed Land 1993 Description / Buy
3 Thin Moon and Cold Mist 1995 Description / Buy
4 Children of the Dawnland ( With: W. Michael Gear) 2003 Description / Buy
5 The Betrayal: The Lost Life of Jesus ( With: W. Michael Gear) 2007 Description / Buy
6 Maze Master 2018 Description / Buy
7 Cries from the Lost Island 2020 Description / Buy
8 Fracture Event ( With: W. Michael Gear) 2021 Description / Buy

Order of Kathleen O'Neal Gear Short Stories/Novellas

# Read Title Published Details
1 No Quarter (Short Story) 2022 Description / Buy

Order of Kathleen O’Neal Gear Non-Fiction Books

# Read Title Published Details
1 Vikings in North America: Pursuing the Myth of Paradise 2015 Description / Buy

Kathleen O'Neal Gear Anthologies

# Read Title Published Details
1 Rebel Hearts Anthology 2022 Description / Buy
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Kathleen has loved history for a very long time. However, that love pales in comparison to her love for writing. Born in Tulare, California, Kathleen O’Neal Gear hails from a family of writers. Even with six kids and demanding jobs, Kathleen’s parents always found the time to write. And it didn’t matter if they had to write while they cooked and cleaned and played with the kids. From what Kathleen saw, her parents were happiest when they were writing.

It was inevitable that the writing bug would eventually infect the author who was eventually influenced by the likes of Frank Waters, Margaret Mitchell and John Steinbeck.

Interestingly enough, while she always held a passion for writing, it was Kathleen’s interest in history and archeology that drove her to take the necessary steps to become a published author because of all the stories that her work inspired.

Even in this, Kathleen O’Neal Gear cannot ignore the importance of her parents; it was her Dad who endeavored to take her to archeological and historical sites all around the country when she was a child. She even had the opportunity to visit and explore a ghost town in which her father was working. Besides visiting museums, the family spent many a vacation around a campfire listening to stories about Native American Legends. Kathleen developed a keen interest in the ways of life of prehistoric people.

She was also influenced by a professor by the names of Dr. Charles Kegley who taught Kathleen to think critically.

All these factors and influences, along with Kathleen O’Neal Gear’s experience in the field of archeology and history, have come together to produce numerous fictional novels that reach back into prehistoric time periods, exploring the lives of different tribes and characters.

Kathleen is married to W. Michael Gear who is also a writer. The couple has co-authored several books.

Kathleen O’Neal Gear Awards

The biggest accolade attached to Kathleen’s name as an author is the Spur Award which she won in 2005 for People of the Raven.

Best Kathleen O’Neal Gear Books

Kathleen’s novels always stand out because they are so educational, perfectly manifesting her experience as a historian and archeologist, with some of the best books in the author’s bibliography including the following:

The Visitant: Doctor Maureen Coles is a physical anthropologist from Canada with extensive knowledge in her field. Maureen’s attempts at excavating a Mass Grave filled with women and children in New Mexico place her on the path to understanding a series of events involving a woman in search of a Spirit Helper, an old man looking to locate a murderer and an ancient village that is consumed by an unbelievable crime.

The Visitant is the first book in the Anasazi mystery series. The story begins at an archeological dig in modern times. Then it leaps back to the ancient times of the Anasazi. There, Kathleen O’Neal Gear delves into all the murder, mayhem and supernatural evil that assaulted a local community. Kathleen switches back and forth between these two time periods, using the perspectives of the characters in the past and the present to add pieces to a puzzle that slowly but surely comes into focus.

People of the Lakes: The Mound Builder people of the Great Lakes Region are fast approaching the end, this resulting from all the conflicts that a powerful totemic mask has elicited. But Star Shell could be the key to peace.

The daughter of a Hopewell Chief, Star Shell, with the help of her companions, seeks to save her people by destroying the curse that is consuming them. But destroying the totemic mask won’t be easy, not with Star Shell’s clan members seeking to stop her.

North America’s Forgotten Past: The sixth book in a series called North America’s Forgotten Past, this Kathleen O’Neal Gear novel falls firmly within the fantasy genre, following the exploits of a girl that must go on a journey to destroy a great evil. The elements of fantasy are compounded upon by the archaeological and historical data Kathleen injects into the story.

When Does The Next Kathleen O'Neal Gear book come out?

Kathleen O'Neal Gear doesn't seem to have an upcoming book. Their newest book is No Quarter and was released on December, 22nd 2022. It is the newest book in the Kathleen O'Neal Gear Short Stories/Novellas.


2 thoughts on “Kathleen O’Neal Gear”

  1. Is there an email list or newsletter I can be put on. I love these books! I would love to know when they com out. I don’ t know where I am in the list of books.

    1. Hi Cathy – we will be launching a site that offers that feature in the near future. I’ll keep your e-mail on file and let you know when that is launched 🙂

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