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Author Kim Stanley Robinson’s work has been labeled as literary science fiction. In the mid seventies, he got a B.A. In literature from the University of California-San Diego and the year after, earned an M.A. In English from Boston University. He also has a PhD in English, for which he wrote his doctoral thesis on the novels of Philip K. Dick (that later was published in hardback book form) after a professor recommended Dick’s work to him. Besides writing fiction, he has sold books and taught composition and other classes at the college level. With his wife, Lisa (who is an environmental chemist), he has two sons; the couple got married in 1982. He has lived in various places throughout his life, these places include: Washington, D.C., Switzerland, and California. Robinson says that he enjoys backpacking through the Sierras. Robinson was born in Waukegan, Illinois in late March of 1952.
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Order of Three Californias Triptych Series
# | Read | Title | Published | Details |
1 | The Wild Shore | 1984 | Description / Buy | |
2 | The Gold Coast | 1988 | Description / Buy | |
3 | Pacific Edge | 1990 | Description / Buy |
Order of Mars Trilogy Series
# | Read | Title | Published | Details |
1 | Red Mars | 1993 | Description / Buy | |
2 | Green Mars | 1994 | Description / Buy | |
3 | Blue Mars | 1996 | Description / Buy |
Order of Mars Collections
# | Read | Title | Published | Details |
1 | The Martians | 1999 | Description / Buy |
Order of Capital Code/Science In The Capital Series
# | Read | Title | Published | Details |
1 | Forty Signs of Rain | 2004 | Description / Buy | |
2 | Fifty Degrees Below | 2005 | Description / Buy | |
3 | Sixty Days and Counting | 2007 | Description / Buy | |
4 | Green Earth | 2015 | Description / Buy |
Order of Kim Stanley Robinson Standalone Novels
# | Read | Title | Published | Details |
1 | Icehenge | 1984 | Description / Buy | |
2 | The Memory of Whiteness | 1985 | Description / Buy | |
3 | The Blind Geometer (Short Story) | 1986 | Description / Buy | |
4 | A Short, Sharp Shock | 1990 | Description / Buy | |
5 | Antarctica | 1997 | Description / Buy | |
6 | The Years of Rice and Salt | 2002 | Description / Buy | |
7 | Galileo's Dream | 2009 | Description / Buy | |
8 | 2312 | 2012 | Description / Buy | |
9 | Shaman | 2013 | Description / Buy | |
10 | Aurora | 2015 | Description / Buy | |
11 | Oral Argument (Short Story) | 2015 | Description / Buy | |
12 | Drowned Worlds | 2016 | Description / Buy | |
13 | New York 2140 | 2017 | Description / Buy | |
14 | Red Moon | 2018 | Description / Buy | |
15 | The Ministry for the Future | 2020 | Description / Buy |
Order of Kim Stanley Robinson Short Story Collections
# | Read | Title | Published | Details |
1 | The Planet on the Table | 1986 | Description / Buy | |
2 | Escape From Kathmandu | 1989 | Description / Buy | |
3 | Remaking History and Other Stories | 1991 | Description / Buy | |
4 | Down and Out in the Year 2000 | 1992 | Description / Buy | |
5 | The Best of Kim Stanley Robinson | 2001 | Description / Buy | |
6 | Vinland the Dream and Other Stories | 2002 | Description / Buy | |
7 | Stan's Kitchen | 2020 | Published for attendees of the Boskone 57 convention |
Order of Kim Stanley Robinson Non-Fiction Books
# | Read | Title | Published | Details |
1 | The Novels of Philip K. Dick | 1984 | Description / Buy | |
2 | Green Planets: Ecology and Science Fiction | 2014 | Description / Buy | |
3 | The High Sierra | 2022 | Description / Buy |
Order of Kim Stanley Robinson Short Stories/Novellas
# | Read | Title | Published | Details |
1 | Black Air (Short Story) | 1983 | Description / Buy | |
2 | Green Mars (novella; in Asimov's) (Short Story) | 1985 | Description / Buy | |
3 | Mother Goddess of the World (in Asimov's) (Short Story) | 1987 | Description / Buy |
Order of Outspoken Authors Series
# | Read | Title | Published | Details |
1 | The Human Front (Short Story) | 2001 | Description / Buy | |
2 | The Left Left Behind (Short Story) | 2009 | Description / Buy | |
3 | Lucky Strike | 2009 | Description / Buy | |
4 | The Underbelly (Short Story) | 2010 | Description / Buy | |
5 | Mammoths of the Great Plains (Short Story) | 2010 | Description / Buy | |
6 | The Wild Girls (Short Story) | 2011 | Description / Buy | |
7 | Modem Times 2.0 (Short Story) | 2011 | Description / Buy | |
8 | The Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow (Short Story) | 2011 | Description / Buy | |
9 | Report from Planet Midnight (Short Story) | 2012 | Description / Buy | |
10 | The Science of Herself (Short Story) | 2013 | Description / Buy | |
11 | Patty Hearst & The Twinkie Murders: A Tale of Two Trials (Short Story) | 2013 | Description / Buy | |
12 | New Taboos | 2013 | Description / Buy | |
13 | Raising Hell (Short Story) | 2014 | Description / Buy | |
14 | My Life, My Body (Short Story) | 2015 | Description / Buy | |
15 | Gypsy | 2015 | Description / Buy | |
16 | Miracles Ain't What They Used to Be | 2016 | Description / Buy | |
17 | Fire. (Short Story) | 2017 | Description / Buy | |
18 | Totalitopia (Short Story) | 2017 | Description / Buy | |
19 | The Atheist in the Attic (Short Story) | 2018 | Description / Buy | |
20 | Thoreau's Microscope (Short Story) | 2018 | Description / Buy | |
21 | The Beatrix Gates (Short Story) | 2019 | Description / Buy | |
22 | A City Made of Words (Short Story) | 2019 | Description / Buy |
Order of Universe Series
# | Read | Title | Published | Details |
1 | Universe 1 | 1971 | Description / Buy | |
2 | Universe 2 | 1972 | Description / Buy | |
3 | Universe 3 | 1973 | Description / Buy | |
4 | Universe 4 | 1974 | Description / Buy | |
5 | Universe 5 | 1974 | Description / Buy | |
6 | Universe 6 | 1976 | Description / Buy | |
7 | Universe 7 | 1977 | Description / Buy | |
8 | Universe 8 | 1978 | Description / Buy | |
9 | Universe 9 | 1979 | Description / Buy | |
10 | Universe 10 | 1980 | Description / Buy | |
11 | Universe 11 | 1981 | Description / Buy | |
12 | Universe 12 | 1982 | Description / Buy | |
13 | Universe 13 | 1983 | Description / Buy | |
14 | Universe 14 | 1984 | Description / Buy | |
15 | Universe 15 | 1985 | Description / Buy | |
16 | Universe 16 | 1986 | Description / Buy | |
17 | Universe 17 | 1987 | Description / Buy |
Kim Stanley Robinson Anthologies
# | Read | Title | Published | Details |
1 | Universe 11 | 1981 | Description / Buy | |
2 | Nebula Awards 16 | 1982 | Description / Buy | |
3 | Universe 13 | 1983 | Description / Buy | |
4 | Great Tales of Fantasy and Science Fiction | 1985 | Description / Buy | |
5 | Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, April 1986 | 1986 | Description / Buy | |
6 | Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, August 1987 | 1987 | Description / Buy | |
7 | The Year's Best Science Fiction: Sixth Annual Collection | 1989 | Description / Buy | |
8 | Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, April 1990 | 1990 | Description / Buy | |
9 | Isaac Asimov's Mars | 1991 | Description / Buy | |
10 | Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, April 1991 | 1991 | Description / Buy | |
11 | Isaac Asimov's Earth | 1992 | Description / Buy | |
12 | Under African Skies | 1993 | Description / Buy | |
13 | Future Primitive | 1994 | Description / Buy | |
14 | Isaac Asimov's Moons | 1997 | Description / Buy | |
15 | Asimov's Science Fiction, June 1999 | 1999 | Description / Buy | |
16 | Explorers | 2000 | Description / Buy | |
17 | Year's Best SF 5 | 2000 | Description / Buy | |
18 | Nebula Awards 36 (2002) | 2002 | Description / Buy | |
19 | The Mammoth Book Of Science Fiction | 2002 | Description / Buy | |
20 | New Skies: An Anthology of Today's Science Fiction | 2003 | Description / Buy | |
21 | The Hard SF Renaissance | 2003 | Description / Buy | |
22 | Future Crimes | 2003 | Description / Buy | |
23 | Future Washington | 2005 | Description / Buy | |
24 | I'm With the Bears | 2011 | Description / Buy | |
25 | Lightspeed Magazine, April 2012 | 2012 | Description / Buy | |
26 | Field of Fantasies | 2014 | Description / Buy | |
27 | Loosed Upon the World | 2015 | Description / Buy | |
28 | Some of the Best from, 2015 edition | 2016 | Description / Buy | |
29 | Nebula Awards 53 (2019) | 2019 | Description / Buy | |
30 | Science Fiction: Voyage to the Edge of Imagination | 2022 | Description / Buy | |
31 | Democracy in a Hotter Time | 2023 | Description / Buy |
Kim Stanley Robinson is probably best known for writing the “Mars” trilogy that he has been given awards for. He has written other novel series (“Three Californias” and “Science in the Capital”) and other stand alone novels and short stories and non fiction. Robinson explores the effects of over developing the planet and his characters often times try to preserve and make better the environment around them. His work also shows scientists as regular people doing regular things (not as action heroes), but also as the protagonists.
Kim Stanley Robinson has won many awards for his various stories and novels that he has written. He has won the Locus, John W. Campbell Award, Hugo for best novel, Nebula for Best Novel, and the World Fantasy Award. He has won each of these multiple times as well as others as well. Time has named him “Hero of the Environment” for the way he looks to future and his views.
For those of you who would like to get into Kim Stanley Robinson’s work, this section will help with that. It will talk about the novels: “Red Mars”, “Forty Signs of Rain”, and “Icehenge”.
Red Mars: The first novel in the “Mars” trilogy that was released in the year 1993. Sandstorms sweep the landscape and have for many moons. This is life on Mars for humans. Humans have been trying to make the planet more habitable. A group of one hundred, in the year 2026, are about to do just that. John, Frank, Arkady, and Maya lead a mission of terraforming. For some the planet is something they are passionate about, but others are only interested in what they can take. For others there is a chance to bring to life a biomedical miracle. Something that could change all that we know about life and death.
Forty Signs of Rain: The first novel in the “Science in the Capital” series that was released in the year 2004. The Arctic ice pack has lost half of its thickness in about fifty years. After that, it started breaking, and things start getting hotter and hotter. Charlie Quibler (who is a Senate environmental staffer) takes care of his son and has to work with the headache that is global warming. He must get people to skeptical about the whole thing to do anything about the problem to act before it is too late. That is, before the whole world is a swamp. His wife (Anna) has a more rational approach, she works at the National Science Foundation. There is a technology to solve the growing problem, but there is a fight going on to control the machinery.
Icehenge: This novel is a stand alone work and was released in the year 1984. This novel explores some of the same things that the “Mars” trilogy does, although this novel was published a decade earlier than those novels. It is broken up into three parts and cover three different time periods. Part one is an engineer’s diary who gets caught up in a political revolution in 2248 on Mars. In part two, an archaeologist finds the diary three centuries later, and someone finds an odd monument on Pluto’s north pole. In the third part, the great grandson of the archaeologist who found the diary tries to figure out whether or not the monument and the engineer’s diary were left by a wealthy recluse who lives in the orbit of Saturn.
When Does The Next Kim Stanley Robinson book come out?
Kim Stanley Robinson doesn't seem to have an upcoming book. Their newest book is The High Sierra and was released on May, 10th 2022. It is the newest book in the Kim Stanley Robinson Non-Fiction Books.

KSR is one of the best science ficition writers out there and a real legend in the industry. Some of his books can be real dense with science that is a turnoff to some people, but I urge you to give him a chance. The best “starter” book is probably Shaman which covers the past instead of the future. The descriptions of stone age technology are more interesting than tedious and don’t suffer from the “how this might work in the future” stuff that it does in other books. Set in the ice-age, about 30,000 years ago in what is now France this book tells the story of primitive modern humans in their fight for survival.
KSR isn’t for everyone, but if you like Shaman you might like his other books as well. The “cli-fi” (climate fiction) books are really good reads so check those out if you like Shaman.