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Lucinda Riley is a Sunday Times and New York Times bestselling author, who was born on 14th February 1971 in the country of Antrim, in Northern Ireland. Riley’s mother was an actor, while her father served as a director for one of the leading textile company in the UK, Coratduls. Lucinda Riley’s father eventually passed away in the year 2004. Ever since she was young Lucinda Riley has had the opportunity of traveling to different parts of the world.
Order of The Seven Sisters Series
# | Read | Title | Published | Details |
1 | The Seven Sisters | 2014 | Description / Buy | |
2 | The Storm Sister | 2015 | Description / Buy | |
3 | The Shadow Sister | 2016 | Description / Buy | |
4 | The Pearl Sister | 2017 | Description / Buy | |
5 | The Moon Sister | 2018 | Description / Buy | |
6 | The Sun Sister | 2019 | Description / Buy | |
7 | The Missing Sister | 2021 | Description / Buy | |
8 | Atlas: The Story of Pa Salt | 2023 | Description / Buy |
Order of Lucinda Riley Standalone Novels
# | Read | Title | Published | Details |
1 | Lovers and Players | 1992 | Description / Buy | |
2 | Hidden Beauty | 1993 | Description / Buy | |
3 | Enchanted | 1994 | Description / Buy | |
4 | Not Quite An Angel | 1995 | Description / Buy | |
5 | Aria | 1996 | Description / Buy | |
6 | Losing You | 1996 | Description / Buy | |
7 | Playing with Fire | 1996 | Description / Buy | |
8 | Seeing Double / The Love Letter / The Royal Secret | 2000 | Description / Buy | |
9 | The Orchid House / Hothouse Flower | 2010 | Description / Buy | |
10 | The Girl on the Cliff | 2011 | Description / Buy | |
11 | The Lavender Garden / The Light Behind the Window | 2012 | Description / Buy | |
12 | The Midnight Rose | 2013 | Description / Buy | |
13 | The Italian Girl | 2014 | Description / Buy | |
14 | The Angel Tree | 2015 | Description / Buy | |
15 | The Olive Tree / Helena's Secret | 2016 | Description / Buy | |
16 | The Butterfly Room | 2019 | Description / Buy | |
17 | The Murders at Fleat House | 2022 | Description / Buy | |
18 | The Hidden Girl | 2024 | Description / Buy |
At the age of five years, Riley’s family relocated to England, a place where they still reside at the moment. Lucinda Riley went on to become an actor and worked in the film, theater and television industry. When Lucinda Riley turned 23 years, she got married to one Owen Whitaker, an actor that she had met when she was working in the commercial industry. The marriage between Lucinda Riley did not last for long and immediately after the wedding; the couples were not getting acting gigs.
The acting gigs and offers became scarce and because they purchased a house using mortgage in Leicestershire, the couple had an exceedingly difficult time in keeping up with the payments. Thus the couple had to take odd jobs such as selling toilet rolls and selling cars. It took the couple two years before Lucinda Riley fell ill with glandular fever and even became bed-ridden. It was during this period that Lucinda Riley decided to pen down her first novel since she was not able to act.
Lucinda Riley wrote her debut novel, using a pseudonym, Lucinda Edmonds, with Edmonds being her pen name. After delivering her first draft, Lucinda Edmonds was handed a three-book deal, with leading publishers, Simon and Shuster. It was during this period also that Lucinda Riley discovered that she was pregnant, with her first son and child, Harry. Despite the fact that her first book performed extremely well, the family still was not able to afford the mortgage. Thus a foreclosure was moved in the house, and the family relocated back to West Cock, Ireland, so as to start afresh.
Four years later, the family was blessed with yet another child, Isabella. Because her husband was still unemployed, the family decided that the husband was going to look after the kids, so that Lucinda Riley could continue penning down novels. However, after some time, Lucinda Riley decided that this type of set-up was not going to perform exceedingly well, especially for their marriage. Thus after four years, the family decided to relocate back to the United Kingdom and settled in Rutland.
About this period, the family decided to separate. Owen remarried and decided to settle in Greece. In the year 1999, Lucinda Riley picked a man from the lonely-hearts columns and decided to contact him. The two spoke over the phone for more than two weeks and agreed to meet. After the two had met, they kicked things off, and in the year 2000, they got married at the Hambleton Hall, which happens to be a Victorian Country House that overlooks Rutland Water.
The two were blessed with kids, namely Kit and Leonara, together with the five children that the two had from their previous marriage. At this point, Lucinda Riley was performing exceedingly well with many of her books selling six figures. In the year1998, Lucinda Riley penned a book, about the royals.
At this point, Lucinda Riley thought that this was a great idea. However, with the Royal Family still in a meltdown and grieving over the death of Princess Diana, her book did not perform as she had expected and in turn resulting in the cancelation of her book deals. Furthermore, her publishers, Pan Macmillan also opted to cancel her second book. Due to the sudden turn of events, Lucinda was not only crashed but also devastated.
Lucinda Riley Awards
Despite the fact that Lucinda Riley has not yet been awarded any literary awards, her books have performed exceedingly well and have even been listed on the bestsellers list of New York Times on more than one occasion.
Lucinda Riley Books into Movies
None of the books by Lucinda Riley has been adapted for a screenplay.
Best Lucinda Riley Books
Hothouse Flower: One of the best performing books by Lucinda Riley is Hothouse Flower which is a heart rendering novel, which has been set across various theaters of war from the shores of Thailand to all the way to Europe. The main character in Hothouse is Julia Forest, who is vivid in the memories of anyone who has ever read this novel. Her innocence and simplicity are going to be soon wrapped up with a string of family secrets. Set in the picturesque atmosphere of the Wharton Park, Hothouse undoubtedly leaves an impression on the mind of the reader.
When Does The Next Lucinda Riley book come out?
Lucinda Riley doesn't seem to have an upcoming book. Their newest book is The Hidden Girl and was released on September, 17th 2024.

I came to this page to find out more about the author of one of my favorite series, “The Seven Sisters” series. I had no idea the author’s life was almost even more dramatic than the plot of the books! It sounds like Lucinda Riley has had her fair share of “twists” in her life, but she is resilient. I hope she doesn’t get discouraged, and that she continues writing. More Sisters books, please!