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Malcolm Dylan Petteway is an American retired military officer turned novelist. A veteran of the United States Air Force, he boasts 300 combat hours and 3000 flight hours as an Electronic Warfare Officer flying B-52s. He has had a distinguished career in the military receiving the US Air Force Air Achievement Medal, and the U.S. Airforce Air Model for his contribution in Operation Enduring Freedom. A graduate of California State University and the U.S. Air Force Academy, Petteway got started writing his Guardians of the Universe series of novels in 2003 and has been writing since.
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Order of Genesis Legacy Series
# | Read | Title | Published | Details |
1 | Ultimatum | 2014 | Description / Buy |
Order of Osguards: Guardians of the Universe Series
# | Read | Title | Published | Details |
1 | Armageddon | 2004 | Description / Buy | |
2 | Homecoming | 2010 | Description / Buy | |
3 | Revelations | 2010 | Description / Buy | |
4 | Revenge | 2010 | Description / Buy |
Dylan Petteway has used his extensive knowledge of the workings of combat defenses, military weapons, and the art of war in writing the highly charged Guardians of the Universe series of novels. The first novel in the series was “Osguards: Revelations: Guardians of the Universe” that went on to achieve massive popularity and establish Petteway’s name as a preeminent thriller writer. Since then, the novel has spawned several more titles in the series.
Petteway’s novel has received several awards over the years, the most important of which was the Hollywood Book Festival Contest Honorable Mention that he got in 2011.
With several bestsellers in his repertoire, the following three novels are some of Petteways most appreciated novels:
Revelations: Osguards: Guardians of the Universe: This is a great novel set in an otherworldly setting. The Kulusks have received the prophecy that foretells that a people will arise from an uncivilized world to destroy their civilization. The Kulusk Maxum who goes by the name Kie Ritchen is determined to fight, and releases the virus Terinolice onto the city’s main station. All the people in the Millmum Capitol Station and the Osguards are on their death throes, with their only hope Juanita Genesis-Clark who goes by the pseudonym Osguard 55.
She needs to travel across the Galaxy from Earth, and meet a man who has the antidote for the virus. However, it will not be so easy to get the antidote, given that the man is a Kulusk. Juanita who was born on Earth at the beginning of the century now has to make a stand on who should be the heir to the Kulusk throne. In the meantime, Anthony Musoto an FBI Special Agent and USSTAP’s Stelan Rican need to locate Juanita’s kidnapped cousin, wholly unaware of the momentous biological war happening in the outer Galaxy.
Revenge: Osguards: Guardians of the Universe: is an excellent thriller about a race of people each with defining superhuman gifts. For Michael Genesis who is the USSTAP and First Osguard, the defining gift is extraordinary vision. For the drug dealer, pimp, murderer, and street thug Billy Red, technical ingenuity in spades is his special gift. When the two meet as teenagers, they develop such an intense rivalry that sets Michael on the path to attaining the rank of First Osguard.
However, nearly a decade after the end of the Tuit War and just before the reconfigured USSTAP becomes the vehicle for the design of a new universe of Michael’s vision, Billy Red his old enemy long thought dead, suddenly reappears and viciously attacks him. By a stroke of bad luck, he is ported to an alternate reality where Osguards and USSTAP do not exist, and now has to fight his back to Earth. He needs to maximize any little ingenuity he has to escape the drug infested, low income, and crime-ridden neighborhoods, while keeping ahead of his old nemesis Billy Red.
Homecoming: Osguards: Guardians of the Universe: The ancient kingdoms of the Chaktun and the Kulusk have always been at war since time immemorial. Nausona and Laurona Osguard are two twin princesses that ran away from their Galaxy and fled to Earth where they were taken as slaves in the racist United States south. But unknown to the modern people of the Earth in the 21st century, the Osguards have become one of the most powerful of people on the Galaxy.
They are now in charge of the USSTAP – an international peace keeping organization formed to promote trade, security, and science collaboration between and among the planets. Michael Genesis the leader of the Osguards protects the Galaxies from the Kulusks, who live to spread tyranny. The Earth is now caught between the Michael’s USSTAP forces that prevent the Kulusk Empire from exacting revenge on the Chaktun. For the first time, there will be universal war that threatens to destroy the Earth if Michael is not victorious.
When Does The Next Malcolm Dylan Petteway book come out?
Malcolm Dylan Petteway doesn't seem to have an upcoming book. Their newest book is Ultimatum and was released on May, 21st 2014. It is the newest book in the Genesis Legacy Series.