P.T. Deutermann Books

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P.T. Deutermann is an American author that writes mysteries, thrillers, police procedurals, and detective novels. Born in 1941 in Boston, Massachusetts, to a Lieutenant Commander and future Vice Admiral, Deutermann’s family spent the final years of the War in La Jolla, California.

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Order of Cam Richter Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 The Cat Dancers 2005 Description / Buy
2 Spider Mountain 2006 Description / Buy
3 The Moonpool 2008 Description / Buy
4 Nightwalkers 2009 Description / Buy

Order of World War II Navy Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Pacific Glory 2011 Description / Buy
2 The Ghosts of Bungo Suido 2013 Description / Buy
3 Sentinels of Fire 2014 Description / Buy
4 The Commodore 2016 Description / Buy
5 The Iceman 2018 Description / Buy
6 The Nugget 2019 Description / Buy
7 The Hooligans 2020 Description / Buy
8 Trial by Fire 2021 Description / Buy
9 The Last Paladin 2022 Description / Buy
10 Iwo, 26 Charlie 2023 Description / Buy
11 The Second Sun 2025 Description / Buy

Order of P.T. Deutermann Standalone Novels

# Read Title Published Details
1 Scorpion in the Sea 1992 Description / Buy
2 The Edge of Honor 1994 Description / Buy
3 Official Privilege 1995 Description / Buy
4 Sweepers 1997 Description / Buy
5 Zero Option 1998 Description / Buy
6 Train Man 1999 Description / Buy
7 Hunting Season 2001 Description / Buy
8 Darkside 2002 Description / Buy
9 The Firefly 2003 Description / Buy
10 The Last Man 2012 Description / Buy
11 Cold Frame 2015 Description / Buy
12 Red Swan 2017 Description / Buy

Order of P.T. Deutermann Non-Fiction Books

# Read Title Published Details
1 The Ops Officer's Manual 1980 Description / Buy
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Although, they did not stop migrating. The family lived in various places, including Argentina. A graduate of Creighton Preparatory (Omaha, Nebraska) and a former student at the Naval Academy, Deutermann’s military career began with a position on the USS Morton.

The author was still on the Morton in 1964 during the Gulf of Tonkin incident. The next few years were quite busy, not just because his superiors sent him to the destroyer department head school in Rhode Island.

They also tasked him with honing his understanding of the new Swift class gunboats. He put his newfound skills to good use by training the Philippine navy crews charged with resolving Manila Bay’s pirate problem.

Following a stint on the USS Hull, he studied Public Administration at the University of Washington before shipping back to Vietnam on the USS Jouett. The next few years were just as chaotic, taking the author to places like Hong Kong, Australia, and Japan.

Deutermann’s most ardent fans are well aware of his time as the USS Charles F. Adams’ executive officer, the navy operations officers handbook he published in 1980, his first command (USS Tattnall), the assignment he undertook at the Royal College of Defense Studies, Deutermann’s activities at the pentagon and more.

Overall, the author spent 26 years in the Navy. He finally left in 1989, having accumulated a litany of awards for his service. A few years later, he published ‘Scorpion in the Sea.’

The achievement secured the author an agent and a book deal from St. Martin’s Press. He wrote several novels in the years that followed, some of which were optioned for potential movie adaptations.

On the personal front, Deutermann has a wife and children. The son spent two decades in the Navy and Coast Guard. The daughter was a radar intercept officer before turning her attention to the legal field.

P.T. Deutermann Awards

Deutermann received a W.Y Boyd Literary Award for Excellence.

Best P.T. Deutermann Books

When the author isn’t writing, you will find him creating formal gardens. Additionally, he has a passion for American Civil War history. Deutermann’s best books include:

Pacific Glory: Marsh, Mick, and Tommy had three things in common. First, they were inseparable friends. Second, they attended the naval academy. Third, they had a desperate love for Glory Hawthorne.

But the good times at the academy couldn’t last, and once the trio graduated, life took them all in different directions. Marsh, Mick, and Tommy were thriving in the military when the attack on Pearl Harbor came along and changed everything.

For Glory, 1941 was the worst day of her life. Her husband, Tommy, was dead, yet she was expected to carry on. With the number of dead and dying climbing with each passing minute, the Navy nurse had too much to do to surrender to her grief.

For Marsh, things were slowly going from bad to worse. The Surface ship officer was caught up in the insanity of sea combat, with the conflict taking them from Guadalcanal to Leyte Gulf.

Mick wasn’t quite the hotshot fighter pilot everyone thought he was. Burdened by a series of failures, the arrogant, struggling drunk wanted a chance to prove himself. But he was grounded, his path to redemption blocked.

The Commodore: The Navy was fighting a losing battle. They had no realistic chance of securing control of the Solomon Islands, not when the Japanese were so determined to oppose them at every turn.

Vice Admiral Halsey was not stupid. Halsey knew he had a difficult road ahead of him when his superiors tasked him with changing the tide of the war. But Halsey had a secret weapon.

Harmon Wolf came from a Minnesota reservation. Suffice it to say, he did not fit in. But Halsey saw Wolf’s potential, and the American Indian’s aggressive tactics were the perfect answer to Halsey’s problems.

The last thing Wolf expected was for the Vice Admiral to make him commodore of a destroyer squadron. Now, Wolf’s life is about to change irrevocably.

When Does The Next P.T. Deutermann book come out?

The next book by P.T. Deutermann is The Second Sun and will be released on March, 18th 2025. It is the newest book in the World War II Navy Series.

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