Roger Zelazny Books

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Roger Zelazny was an American author that wrote science fiction and fantasy. The poet was born in 1937 in Euclid, Ohio, to a Polish immigrant and an Irish American. The author attended Euclid Senior High School.

Order of Chronicles Of Amber Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Nine Princes in Amber 1970 Description / Buy
2 The Guns of Avalon 1972 Description / Buy
3 The Sign of the Unicorn 1975 Description / Buy
4 The Hand of Oberon 1976 Description / Buy
5 The Courts of Chaos (Short Story) 1978 Description / Buy
6 Trumps of Doom 1985 Description / Buy
7 Blood of Amber 1986 Description / Buy
8 Sign of Chaos 1987 Description / Buy
9 Knight of Shadows 1989 Description / Buy
10 Prince of Chaos 1991 Description / Buy

Order of Chronicles Of Amber Collections

# Read Title Published Details
1 The Chronicles of Amber 1978 Description / Buy
2 Seven Tales in Amber (Short Story) 2019 Description / Buy

Order of Changeling Saga Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Changeling 1980 Description / Buy
2 Madwand 1981 Description / Buy
3 Wizard World 1989 Description / Buy

Order of Dilvish Stories Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 The Changing Land 1981 Description / Buy
2 Dilvish, the Damned 1982 Description / Buy

Order of Francis Sandow Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Isle of the Dead 1969 Description / Buy
2 To Die in Italbar 1973 Description / Buy

Order of Millennial Contest Series with Robert Sheckley

# Read Title Published Details
1 Bring Me the Head of Prince Charming 1991 Description / Buy
2 If at Faust You Don't Succeed 1993 Description / Buy
3 A Farce to Be Reckoned With 1995 Description / Buy

Order of Millenium Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 The Legacy of Lehr ( By: Katherine Kurtz) 1986 Description / Buy
2 Chess With A Dragon ( By: David Gerrold) 1987 Description / Buy
3 A Dark Traveling (Short Story) 1987 Description / Buy
4 Project Pendulum ( By: Robert Silverberg) 1987 Description / Buy
5 The Forever City ( By: Richard A. Lupoff) 1988 Description / Buy
6 The Year of the Ransom ( By: Poul Anderson) 1988 Description / Buy
7 Joe Gosh ( By: Tom De Haven) 1988 Description / Buy
8 A Place of Silver Silence ( By: Ardath Mayhar) 1988 Description / Buy
9 The Homecoming ( By: Barry B. Longyear) 1989 Description / Buy
10 Hong on the Range ( By: William Wu) 1989 Description / Buy

Order of Roger Zelazny Standalone Novels

# Read Title Published Details
1 This Immortal / …And Call Me Conrad 1966 Description / Buy
2 The Dream Master / He Who Shapes 1966 Description / Buy
3 Lord of Light 1967 Description / Buy
4 Damnation Alley 1968 Description / Buy
5 Creatures of Light and Darkness 1969 Description / Buy
6 Jack of Shadows 1971 Description / Buy
7 Today We Choose Faces 1973 Description / Buy
8 Doorways in the Sand 1976 Description / Buy
9 Bridge of Ashes 1976 Description / Buy
10 Deus Irae ( With: Philip K. Dick) 1976 Description / Buy
11 Roadmarks 1979 Description / Buy
12 To Spin is Miracle Cat (Short Story) 1981 Description / Buy
13 Eye of Cat 1982 Description / Buy
14 Coils ( With: Fred Saberhagen) 1982 Description / Buy
15 The Black Throne ( With: Fred Saberhagen) 1990 Description / Buy
16 The Mask of Loki ( With: Thomas T. Thomas) 1990 Description / Buy
17 Flare ( With: Thomas T. Thomas) 1992 Description / Buy
18 A Night in the Lonesome October 1993 Description / Buy
19 Wilderness ( With: Gerald Hausman) 1994 Description / Buy
20 Donnerjack ( With: Jane Lindskold) 1997 Description / Buy
21 Psychoshop ( With: Alfred Bester) 1998 Description / Buy
22 Lord Demon ( With: Jane Lindskold) 1999 Description / Buy
23 The Dead Man's Brother 2009 Description / Buy

Order of Roger Zelazny Short Stories/Novellas

# Read Title Published Details
1 For a Breath I Tarry 1966 Description / Buy
2 Home is the Hangman 1975 Description / Buy
3 24 Views of Mt. Fuji, by Hokusai (Short Story) 1985 Description / Buy
4 Permafrost 1986 Description / Buy

Order of Collected Stories Of Roger Zelazny Collections

# Read Title Published Details
1 Threshold 2009 Description / Buy
2 Power & Light 2009 Description / Buy
3 This Mortal Mountain 2009 Description / Buy
4 Last Exit to Babylon 2009 Description / Buy
5 Nine Black Doves 2009 Description / Buy
6 The Road to Amber 2009 Description / Buy
7 The Ides of Octember: A Pictorial Bibliography of Roger Zelazny ( With: David G. Grubbs, Christopher S. Kovacs, Ann Crimmins, Alice N.S. Lewis) 2010 Description / Buy
8 The Ides of Octember: A Pictorial Bibliography of Roger Zelazny ( By: Christopher S. Kovacs) 2010 Description / Buy

Order of Roger Zelazny Short Story Collections

# Read Title Published Details
1 Four for Tomorrow 1965 Description / Buy
2 The Doors of His Face, the Lamps of His Mouth 1971 Description / Buy
3 Poems 1974 Description / Buy
4 My Name is Legion 1976 Description / Buy
5 The Illustrated Roger Zelazny 1978 Description / Buy
6 The Last Defender of Camelot 1980 Description / Buy
7 Unicorn Variation 1981 Description / Buy
8 When Pussywillows Last in the Catyard Bloomed and Other Poems 1985 Description / Buy
9 Frost and Fire 1989 Description / Buy
10 Here There Be Dragons & Way Up High 1992 Description / Buy
11 Manna From Heaven 2003 Description / Buy
12 The Magic 2018 Description / Buy

Order of Roger Zelazny Non-Fiction Books

# Read Title Published Details
1 Roger Zelazny's Visual Guide to Castle Amber ( With: Neil Randall) 1988 Description / Buy

Roger Zelazny Anthologies

# Read Title Published Details
1 Shores Beneath 0 Description / Buy
2 New Worlds of Fantasy / Step Outside Your Mind 1967 Description / Buy
3 Dangerous Visions 1967 Description / Buy
4 Dangerous Visions 3 1967 Description / Buy
5 Nebula Awards 3 1968 Description / Buy
6 Great Short Novels of Science Fiction 1970 Description / Buy
7 On Our Way to the Future 1970 Description / Buy
8 This Side of Infinity 1972 Description / Buy
9 A Day in the Life 1972 Description / Buy
10 Wondermakers 2 1974 Description / Buy
11 Fantastic Stories Special - 1975 Sword & Sorcery Annual 1975 Description / Buy
12 Nebula Award Stories Ten 1976 Description / Buy
13 The Best From Galaxy, Volume IV 1976 Description / Buy
14 Science Fiction Discoveries 1976 Description / Buy
15 Beyond Tomorrow 1976 Description / Buy
16 Other Worlds 1978 Description / Buy
17 The Arbor House Treasury of Modern Science Fiction 1980 Description / Buy
18 Other Worlds Volume 2 1980 Description / Buy
19 Chrysalis 10 1983 Description / Buy
20 Berserker Base 1985 Description / Buy
21 Terry's Universe: Science fiction's finest writers join in honoring the memory of Terry Carr 1987 Description / Buy
22 The Monster Book of Monsters 1988 Description / Buy
23 Robert Adams' Book of Soldiers 1988 Description / Buy
24 The Best of the Nebulas 1989 Description / Buy
25 Hidden Turnings 1989 Description / Buy
26 The Seventh Omni Book of Science Fiction 1989 Description / Buy
27 Drabble II: Double Century 1990 Description / Buy
28 Modern Classics of Science Fiction 1991 Description / Buy
29 Sea-Cursed 1994 Description / Buy
30 Omni Visions Two 1994 Description / Buy
31 Black Thorn, White Rose 1994 Description / Buy
32 Superheroes 1995 Description / Buy
33 Warriors of Blood and Dreams 1995 Description / Buy
34 Angels! 1995 Description / Buy
35 Cthulhu 2000 1995 Description / Buy
36 Forever After 1995 Description / Buy
37 Modern Classics of Fantasy 1997 Description / Buy
38 Explorers 2000 Description / Buy
39 Supermen 2002 Description / Buy
40 A.I.s 2004 Description / Buy
41 Fantasy For Good: A Charitable Anthology 2014 Description / Buy
42 Shadows & Reflections 2018 Description / Buy
43 Robots Through the Ages 2023 Description / Buy
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The people who knew Zelazny called him a bright student. However, they also noticed that he was undisciplined. His gift for the written word was impossible to ignore because he was writing stories for the school’s magazine.

Later on, he graduated from Western Reserve University with a B.A. in English. He also pursued an M.A. at Columbia University, where he took an interest in Elizabethan and Jacobean drama. The author’s stints at the U.S. Social Security Administration kept him busy. But he found time to write science fiction in the evening.

Initially, he experimented with short stories. Then he jumped to novelettes, novellas, and finally, full-length novels. By the late1960s, Zelazny was confident enough in his craft to abandon his day job.

He chose to prioritize novels because they allowed him to maintain his income. Zelazny’s science fiction stories had appeared in ‘Amazing Stories’ and ‘Fantastic Stories of Imagination.’ The author had also made a name for himself in the so-called New Wave, a group of science fiction writers that wanted publishing and the public at large to perceive science fiction as serious literature.

They were more experimental than their predecessors, setting their action adventures in space. Zelazny had all the tools he needed to succeed once he became a full-time writer. His stories took heavy inspiration from myths and magic.

He delved deeply into Norse and Irish mythology, not to mention Japanese legends. His characters were often troubled, to varying degrees, by the absence of their father figures.

It wasn’t uncommon for the author’s martial arts prowess to influence his stories. Zelazny had mastered the epee, a weapon used in the sport of fencing. Although he also studied other martial arts, such as pa Kua and judo.

His characters would manifest the same skills in combat. This was not the only attribute the author’s protagonists inherited from him. His characters loved cigarettes and pipes because the author was equally passionate about the vices.

Admittedly, he abandoned smoking when he realized that it impeded his cardiovascular fitness. It is unclear as to whether he liked science fiction more than fantasy or vice versa. However, he admitted in interviews that fantasy was easier to write.

Science fiction was challenging because he had to justify every concept he created. He couldn’t just pull ideas out of thin air. Zelazny’s readers expected him to explain the world his characters inhabited.

On the other hand, fantasy gave his imagination the freedom to dream. He could do whatever he wanted without having to lay so much groundwork. He once gave the example of four sorcerors summoning an alien creature.

He could write that scene without explaining the nature of the creature. That being said, he still appreciated science fiction because it allowed him to tackle social issues that mattered to him.

Roger Zelazny Awards

Zelazny has won Hugo, Locus, Seiun, Balrog, Prix Tour-Apollo, and Nebula awards.

Best Roger Zelazny Books

The author was married twice. His first marriage ended in divorce. His second marriage produced two sons and a daughter. He died in 1995. Zelazny’s best books include:

Nine Princes In Amber: Corwin woke up in a hospital and quickly realized the truth. Amber was the only true world in the universe. The rest were little more than shadows, including earth. Corwin knew this because he was the son of Oberon, Amber’s king.

To claim the throne of Amber, he must prove his mettle by fighting and overcoming the other princes of Amber.

Lord of Light: The earth was dead. Mortal men had started over on a new planet. They gained mastery over various technologies, using them to conquer death. They are now the dominant species, immortal entities that lord their superiority over smaller life forms.

They have taken inspiration from the Hindu pantheon to fashion a new society. They don’t think anyone can stop them. But they are sorely mistaken. Siddhartha has abandoned his former name. He is now Mahasamatman, the Lord of Light.

Also known as Sam, he will use his gifts to oppose the gods, pulling them out of their heaven and destroying their corruption.

When Does The Next Roger Zelazny book come out?

Roger Zelazny doesn't seem to have an upcoming book. Their newest book is Seven Tales in Amber and was released on January, 9th 2019. It is the newest book in the Chronicles Of Amber Collections.

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