Thomas Wylde Books

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Thomas Wylde is an American author that writes science fiction novels. Thomas was born in 1946 in Los Angeles. Writing was a passion he nurtured from a young age. However, he did not expect to pursue publishing, not at the start, not when he had so much more going on in his life.

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Order of Trevor Blake Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 The Exploding Wizard's Right-Hand Boy (Short Story) 2013 Description / Buy
2 The Shrine of the Breathing Breath (Short Story) 2015 Description / Buy

Order of Dr. Bones Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 The Secret of the Lona 1988 Description / Buy
2 The Cosmic Bomber ( By: William Wu) 1989 Description / Buy
3 Garukan Blood 1989 Description / Buy
4 The Dragons of Komako ( By: John Gregory Betancourt) 1989 Description / Buy
5 Nightmare World ( By: Dave Stern) 1989 Description / Buy
6 Journey to Rilla 1989 Description / Buy

Order of Roger Zelazny's Alien Speedway Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Clypsis ( By: Jeffrey A. Carver) 1987 Description / Buy
2 Pitfall 1988 Description / Buy
3 Roger Zelazny's Alien Speedway Book 2 1988 Description / Buy
4 The Web 1988 Description / Buy
5 Roger Zelazny's Alien Speedway Book 3 1988 Description / Buy

Order of Thomas Wylde Standalone Novels

# Read Title Published Details
1 Hot Status 2013 Description / Buy
2 Mad Minute 2013 Description / Buy
3 Kindle Creation for Control Freaks 2013 Description / Buy
4 Salesman of the Year (Short Story) 2013 Description / Buy
5 The Black Box 2014 Description / Buy
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Thomas was among those people that were drafted in the 1960s. His military career took him to Sandy Hook, N.J. He worked at an air defense missile site, primarily fixing radars. His experiences were interesting enough for Thomas to draw upon them when he finally pursued his writing career.

The author studied English at CSUN. His first experience with publishing came from the work he did for a magazine called ‘Galaxy’. That was in 1974. He went on to produce several short stories that appeared in various SF magazines.

Thomas Wylde wrote quite a few science fiction and young adult fantasy novels with simplistic but entertaining stories, a fast pace and plenty of surprises. He also wrote thrillers targeted towards a more mature audience, using his experiences in the army and the things he had seen since leaving the military to tell stories that were a reflection of contemporary events.

Thomas Wylde runs a blog. And he is quite active. The posts he produces are designed to provide some insight into his perspective on publishing and writing in general.

It is from his posts that you will learn about his opinions on e-publishing and popular grammatical trends and the like.

The author’s time in the military taught him discipline. But he also wasn’t afraid to admit that he did not write every day. He rejected other authors who claimed that you couldn’t call yourself a writer unless you wrote every single day of your life.

As far as Thomas was concerned, writing started in the mind, and any individual who took the time to outline stories in their imagination, to plan scenes and organize chapters was as much a writer as an author who wrote every single day.

That being said, Thomas also agreed that one couldn’t call themselves a writer unless they eventually made the decision to put the ideas in their imagination on paper.

Besides science fiction and fantasy, Thomas Wylde has also produced nonfiction.

Best Thomas Wylde Books

Thomas’s stories are typically quite short but also fast-paced and straightforward, with some of the best novels in his bibliography including:

Pitfall: Mike Murray wanted more for himself. So he traversed the galaxy in the hope that he would find his destiny at Clypsis. It was here that he expected to make his name by racing ships that were faster than light.

Many an obstacle rose to challenge him but Mike persevered, eventually landing a stable position among the pilots of Clypsis. But now things are falling apart. Mike wants to focus his efforts on an upcoming race.

But his preparation has been upended by a rival who was injured in a racing accident. The competition is so fierce that some people actually believe that Mike tampered with the injured fellow’s ship.

Mike has to put his plans on hold to find the true culprit. Only then can he hope to clear his name.

This is the second book in the Alien Speedway series. The people who have read the story love the fact that the hero’s journey isn’t overly romanticized. He isn’t the most dominant racer in the competition and neither does he succeed in wowing his detractors once he arrives.

Like most people, Mike has to struggle, making slow progress through the ranks and depending on luck to find stability in an arena known for consuming the weak.

Salesman of the Year: Detective Brad isn’t in the best of moods when he walks into the police station to find it inundated with criminals and victims. This is the final night of the year and Brad isn’t looking for trouble.

But trouble is exactly what he finds when he learns that Detective Earl has beaten his record of obtaining confessions. Brad would like to think that he is a man with principles, at least when it comes to the notion of playing a game to see who can obtain the most confessions.

But, in this case, he feels trapped. Everyone expects him to challenge Detective Earl for the record. And Brad will do so this time around just so he can prove that his gentle interrogation technique is superior to Earl’s aggression.

When Does The Next Thomas Wylde book come out?

Thomas Wylde doesn't seem to have an upcoming book. Their newest book is The Shrine of the Breathing Breath and was released on January, 18th 2015. It is the newest book in the Trevor Blake Series.

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