Will Wight Books

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Will Wight is an American author that writes fantasy novels. Born in 1989 in Memphis, Tennessee, Wight attended the University of Central Florida, getting his MFA in creative writing.

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Order of Cradle Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Unsouled 2016 Description / Buy
2 Soulsmith 2016 Description / Buy
3 Blackflame 2017 Description / Buy
4 Skysworn 2017 Description / Buy
5 Ghostwater 2018 Description / Buy
6 Underlord 2019 Description / Buy
7 Uncrowned 2019 Description / Buy
8 Wintersteel 2020 Description / Buy
9 Bloodline 2021 Description / Buy
10 Reaper 2021 Description / Buy
11 Dreadgod 2022 Description / Buy
12 Waybound 2023 Description / Buy

Order of Elder Empire: Sea Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Of Sea and Shadow 2014 Description / Buy
2 Of Dawn and Darkness 2015 Description / Buy
3 Of Kings and Killers 2020 Description / Buy

Order of Elder Empire: Shadow Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Of Shadow and Sea 2014 Description / Buy
2 Of Darkness and Dawn 2015 Description / Buy
3 Of Killers and Kings 2020 Description / Buy

Order of The Last Horizon Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 The Captain 2023 Description / Buy
2 The Engineer 2023 Description / Buy
3 The Knight 2024 Description / Buy

Order of Last Horizon Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 The Captain 2023 Description / Buy

Order of Traveler's Gate Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 House of Blades 2013 Description / Buy
2 The Crimson Vault 2013 Description / Buy
3 City of Light 2014 Description / Buy

Order of Traveler's Gate Chronicles Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 The Traveler's Gate Chronicles (Short Story) 2015 Description / Buy
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The author was still pursuing his master’s degree when he started writing ‘House of Blades.’ His studies gave Wight all the skills he needed to finish his book.

‘House of Blades’ was so successful that he became a full-time independent author practically overnight. In the years that followed, Wight created Hidden Gnome Publishing.

The company handles all the activities associated with his publishing endeavors. The author’s friends and family encouraged him to write fiction, and he attempted to do just that. However, he lacked self-discipline.

Wight started so many stories, but he couldn’t write any of them to completion. Finally, he decided to acquire his creative writing degree because he knew the college classes would force him to write. He was right.

‘House of Blades’ started taking shape soon after. At the time, he had no reason to believe that the novel would succeed. He just wanted to write fantasy. The genre appealed to him because it utilized elements from every other genre. You could throw action, romance, and drama into stories with wizards and dragons.

He couldn’t think of a more entertaining field. Self-publishing was an obvious choice. Even though traditional publishing had its perks, the route was too slow and did not favor new writers.

Self-publishing made more sense because he could start making money immediately. Additionally, he could get his books to the people who wanted them without delays. And if he changed his mind down the line, he was free to submit his manuscripts to a traditional publisher.

The author found that it was easier to gauge the reactions to his stories because people who liked his work did not hesitate to buy his books. They also blessed him with high ratings, proving that he was on the right path. He had a direct relationship with readers, the kind he was unlikely to enjoy if he joined a traditional publisher.

Wight was hoping to sell 1500 copies of his first book within the first two months. But the novel exceeded his wildest expectations by selling 13,000 copies. It was all the encouragement the author needed to make indie publishing his priority.

Wight writes what he calls Xuanxuan, which is closely associated with Wuxia. The genre takes inspiration from Chinese mythology. The author was also influenced by anime.

Readers familiar with the Wuxia concept of cultivation may recognize some of the elements in his magic system.

Best Will Wight Books

The author is a big fan of the Dresden Files and the Wheel of Time. Wight’s best books include:

Unsouled: Wei Shi Lindon was dealt a bad hand by fate. His brethren have a plethora of opportunities before them. Using their souls, they can harness incredible gifts, but only if they master a power called Madra.

This doesn’t matter to Lindon because the 15-year-old boy is too weak. He doesn’t have an affinity for magic, which is why his people banished him. Lindon is unsouled.

He serves no purpose to his community, and his superiors have forbidden him from practicing the sacred arts. They thought he would simply accept his lowly position. But they were wrong.

Lindon has no intention of giving up. He may be at a disadvantage, but the boy has a will of iron. He will do whatever it takes to prove himself and to secure the opportunity to master the sacred arts, even if it means lying and cheating.

Soulsmith: They thought Lindon was worthless. They shunned him because he was Unsouled. But he proved himself. He crawled his way to the top and earned a place at the table.

But now that he’s copper, Lindon must prepare for the next challenge. Warriors from all walks of life are advancing upon the ancient ruins outside Sacred Valley.

They want the treasures waiting within. Lindon is not stupid. He knows that he doesn’t stand a chance against the enemies he will face in the ancient ruins. His only hope is the Soulsmiths. If he plays his cards right, they will grant him an advantage.

When Does The Next Will Wight book come out?

Will Wight doesn't seem to have an upcoming book. Their newest book is The Knight and was released on June, 11th 2024. It is the newest book in the The Last Horizon Series.


1 thought on “Will Wight”

  1. Wrong answer. Correct answer, by the end of 2022!
    Hey Memphis Man! I grew up in West Memphis.
    So don’t stop now, let’s wrap this thing up.
    All of your books have been good. I think my favorite is Ghostwater.

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