Johnny Maxwell Books

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Johnny Maxwell book series is the story about a fictional Johnny Maxwell, a young boy who is twelve years in the first books but a teenager in the later books. The young boy resides in a fictional town of Blackburry in the late 20th Century. The main character has a rather difficult life at home, and the storyline progresses his parents split up. Thus he ends up moving to his grandfather with his mother. Upon moving to his grandfather’s house, Johnny begins to see things that no one else could see including ghosts, a time traveling lady and an alien surrender party. Apart from having all these abilities, Johnny Maxwell is almost unusually normal. The Book’s author Terry Pratchett has loosely based Johnny on what Just William’s main character would be like in a 1990 setting.

Order of Johnny Maxwell Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Only You Can Save Mankind ( By: Terry Pratchett) 1992 Description / Buy
2 Johnny and the Dead (By: Terry Pratchett) 1993 Description / Buy
3 Johnny and the Bomb ( By: Terry Pratchett) 1996 Description / Buy
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Terry Pratchett was born in Beaconsfield, England on 28 April 1948. He was the only child of Ellen and David Pratchett. In the year 1957 his family moved briefly to Bridgewater, Somerset. After moving to Somerset, Pratchett performed exceedingly well in his plus seven exams, thus earning him a slot in Wycombe Technical High School. Upon joining the School Pratchett became a key member of the debate club and penned down several stories for the school’s magazine. Pratchett’s early interests included astronomy. He later developed the interest for reading science fiction and also began attending a science fiction convention from 1963 to 1964.

Johnny Maxwell Series Awards

Despite performing extremely well, Johnny Maxwell is yet to be nominated for any major award.

Johnny Maxwell Series Books into Movies

Johnny Maxwell is yet to be adapted into a movie

Johnny Maxwell Best Books

Only You Can Save Mankind is one of the first performing books in the Johnny Maxwell series. As the first installment in the series, the author introduces the reader to Johnny Maxwell, a 12-year boy who thinks that he is a looser. Apart from constantly being unnoticed by other people, his parents are also on the verge of a split-up. Furthermore, he is not great at the shoot the buy computer games which is extremely popular among his agemates. However, once his buddy, Wobbler gives him a copy of Only You Can Save Mankind, extremely strange things begin to happen. The captain of the alien ship that Johnny Maxwell is supposed to shoot surrenders. Johnny is extremely surprised since this has never happened before.

Ever since the captain of the alien ship surrendered to Johnny, copies of the video game disappeared completely. Furthermore, Johnny discovers that he is also able to enter the alien’s spaceship. Since he is able to enter into the alien’s spaceship, Johnny becomes convinced that Aliens are real and they die whenever human beings shoot at them. You will undoubtedly enjoy this book. The second book in the series also performed well. Johnny and the Dead hit the Halloween sweet spot. Since he is a comedy master, Terry Pratchett comes up with another hilarious installment that has lots of laughs and a much smoother plot. Just like the previous installment, Johnny, and his friends are also part of this book. You will love Terry Pratchett’s rather simple and unique style which makes this book a one of a kind.

Books Similar to Johnny Maxwell Book Series

If you are a fan of Terry Pratchett, then you are going to love the “Tiffany Aching” book series. The first installment in the Tiffany Aching series is I Shall Wear Midnight. In this installment, Tiffany Aching the main character is facing a rather insidious evil. The evil is not any evil but rather it is a poison of souls which causes people who need the services of witches to misinterpret, question and attack people like Aching. Tiffany Aching spends most of her time assisting people i.e. goes to feed them, cloth them and speak for them. However, what comes to attack her is blind and hateful. Apart from everything that happens, Baron is also dying, his son, on the other hand, is under a spell of someone else. Tiffany has to fight with witches from different time zones. As she goes with her day to day activities, Tiffany meets up with the genius who created Bofo, a skeleton which is exceedingly happy to be a teddy bear.

Dark with a few humorous highlights, Terry Pratchett carefully addresses the wickedest aspect of the human soul: willfully ignorant, petty and hatred for individuals whom one is indebted to. This book series is much darker than most of Pratchett’s book. The imagery and themes used in this series are extremely powerful.

What Is The Next Book in The Johnny Maxwell Series?

There doesn't seem to be an upcoming book in The Johnny Maxwell Series. The newest book is Johnny and the Bomb and was released on January, 1st 1996.

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