Jonah Hex Books

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Jonah Hex is a series of graphic novels written by bestselling American author Joe R. Lansdale. Sam Glanzman and Timothy Truman did the series artwork. Jonah Hex collections were published by DC comics from 1993 to 1999, and they follow the adventures of a bounty hunter Jonah Hex, a character that was created by author John Albano and Tony DeZuniga in 1977.

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Order of Jonah Hex Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Two Gun Mojo ( By: Joe R. Lansdale) 1994 Description / Buy
2 Shadows West ( By: Joe R. Lansdale) 1999 Description / Buy
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These are two best books in Jonah Hex series by Joe Lansdale, Jonah Hex: Shadows West and Jonah Hex: No Way Back.

Jonah Hex: Two-Gun Mojo: Published by Vertigo Comics an imprint of DC Comics, the two gun mojo places the series main character into a post-holocaust future. Jonah is rescued from execution at the hands of an outlaw gang by a bounty hunter, Slow Go Smith, and the two develop a good friendship. While riding to town to collect a reward, the two are a force to stay in a hotel while the town’s sheriff files the paperwork.

Go Smith is attacked and killed by a moving corpse and Jonah is late to save his new best friend. He is also framed for the man’s death while the people are controlling the zombie escape. The authorities decide to hang him and while the whole town waits for the execution, an unnamed American native rescue Jonah and is shot dead during the escape.

Jonah tracks down the man responsible Doc Williams, a snake oil merchant with a trio of freaks who has managed to reawaken and control Wild Bill Hickok. But Jonah is captured in the process, and they decide to make him a zombie too. Cross explains to Jonah that he studied voodoo in Haiti and capable of reanimating corpses and he stole Hickok’s body after he was killed at the hands of Jack McCall. Jonah manages to escape from his captors, but the authorities still want him for the murder of Go Smith.

Jonah hunts Williams down again and meets him while fighting the Apache, and discovers that Williams Cross has assembled a military escort. In response, Jonah teams up with the soldiers to fight the Indians, but Cross escapes in the process. Jonah begins a hunt that will see him travel for many miles across the desert in the hunt of his greatest nemesis.

Jonah Hex: Shadows West: It is in the 90’s when Lansdale decides to reawaken the moribund Jonah Hex character by publishing three limited series. Fortunately, the author managed to inject a heavy dose of humor, supernatural elements, blood, and gore. He pitted his main character against Lovecraftian monsters, zombies, and a demon baby- half bear/half a man.

Hex’s stories closely resemble the author’s weird western books like Hell’s Bounty and Dead in the West but though with a higher quotient of camp than usual.
All of Jonah Hex’s graphic novels by bestselling author Joe Landsdale began publication in the 90s. Landsdale provides graphic depictions of extreme violence and violence, but still a supernatural to a somewhat realistic Western. The first story, “Two-Gun Mojo,” is the most popular book among Hex graphic novels and introduces Hex’s exposure to his freakshow circle and as zombie doctor.

Another story, “Riders of the Worm and Such,” begins to be even bloodier about the over-violent Hex. But when the gunpowder hatches in the farm of Hex’s former military colleague and the buried palaces appear right there are underground cows, horses and people are eating crawfish. The end of the story is already a real steam boom for its underground reptile cities, robots, and rockets.

A series of court cases followed the story, as two freelance brothers, Johnny and Edgar began to block the distribution of this series. The third story of “Shadows West,” however, brings more string to the cheek language, more than the previous two books in the series. Overall, a pretty exciting series and other than Hex’s weird ways is different in the sense that there is a lot of supernatural and it is an integral part of the storyline.


If you like Jonah Hex graphic novel series then you will surely love these other three books series, “Secret Six” series by Gail Simone, “Catwoman” by Darwyn Cooke and “Invincible” series by Robert Kirkman.

What Is The Next Book in The Jonah Hex Series?

There doesn't seem to be an upcoming book in The Jonah Hex Series. The newest book is Shadows West and was released on February, 5th 1999.

1 thought on “Jonah Hex”

  1. I used to read Jonah Hex before there were “graphic novels”, merely comic books. Why people seem ashamed to use that term anymore bewilders me.

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