Shining Books

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Published in the year 1977, The Shining is not only Stephen King’s third published novel but also his very first hard book best seller. The great success of the shining is what established Stephen King as one of the best authors in the horror genre. The characters and the setting are all influenced by the author’s personal experiences, including his recovery from alcoholism and the visit to the world famous Stanley Hotel. The Shining was followed by another best-selling novel, Doctor Sleep which was published in the year 2013. The series Shining is centered on the life of one Jack Torrance who happens to be a seasoned writer and an alcoholic.

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Order of The Shining Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 The Shining ( By: Stephen King) 1977 Description / Buy
2 Doctor Sleep (By: Stephen King) 2013 Description / Buy
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Jack Torrance agrees to work as an off-season caretaker at the Overlook hotel, which is located at the Colorado Rookies. His entire family move together with him to his new job, son Danny Torrance. Danny Torrance, possess the ability to see the hotel’s horrific past. These sets of special abilities are referred to as The Shining.

The Shining Awards

Due to its immense success, the Shining was nominated for two awards. In the year 1978, The Shining was nominated for the Locus Awards, under the category Best Fantasy Novel. In the same year, the book was once again nominated for the Gandalf Award under the book length Fantasy category. Despite receiving two nominations in the same year, The Shining did not win any award. Its sequel which was released in the year 2013, won the Bram Stoker Award for the best novel.

The Shining Books into Movies

This novel was adapted into a feature film in the year 1980 and was directed by the award winning director, Stanley Kubrick while the movie’s script was co-written by Diane Johnson. Despite the fact that Stephen King was highly disappointed with the adaptation of his novel, especially with the manner in which Wendy’s character and the book’s theme was handled, The Shining still remains one of the best horror movies of all time. In the year 1997, a television mini-series was launched with the makers of the series, this time ensuring that they followed King’s narrative to the letter.

Best Shining Books

The Shining is the best book in The Shining series. It is not only a remarkably quick read but it is also quite complex, frightening and a wild rule. Additionally, it is also the book that brought Stephen King to the limelight due to its immense success. Apart from The Shining, Doctor Read is also a great read. It is a sequel to The Shining and it was officially released in September 2013. Doctor Read reached the first position on The Best Seller’s List of the New York Times for eBook fiction and print. In this book, Danny is all grown up and takes on his father’s legacy of alcoholism and anger.

After battling with Alcoholism for some time, Danny is able to regain his special abilities which were suppressed by his drinking. With the help of a cat, he embarks on a mission of comforting dying patients thus the name, Doctor Sleep.

Other Book Series You May Like

Apart from the Shining, “The Berkley Street Series” is also another great read. Written by Ron Ripley, The Berkley Street Series talks about one Shane Ryan who makes a return to his childhood home, Nashua. After fighting with his aunt and uncle for a very long, Shane is able to regain his family home. The house is indeed a monstrous castle that is filled with ghosts and secrets. When his uncle and aunt, make a return to the town, then vanish, Shane’s life takes a worse turn. Shane is labeled as a prime suspect in the investigation by one Marie Lafontaine. In a race against time, Shane decides to search for various clues about his parents.

Another great read is the “Scattered and the Dead” book series which may readers have compared to Stephen King’s, The Stand. The Scattered and The Dead is a story about the very few people who remain behind after more than 99 per cent of the world’s population is wiped out completely. In the first book we are introduced to one Mitch, who happens to have only 24 hours to live after he is infected with a zombie virus. Apart from Mitch, we are also introduced to Travis, who is only 23 years old and both his parents are murdered in cold blood. All in all, The Scattered and the Dead, has not only been brilliantly written but also includes some very vivid imagery.

What Is The Next Book in The Shining Series?

There doesn't seem to be an upcoming book in The Shining Series. The newest book is Doctor Sleep and was released on February, 22nd 2013.

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1 thought on “Shining”

  1. The Shining is one of the greatest horror films ever made and it sometimes overshadows the great book that it was based on. I’m hear to tell you, don’t let it!

    The Shining is one of Stephen King’s masterpieces and one of the best horror books ever written. The book has many more intricacies and plot than the movie and the scares are plentiful. While maybe portrayed in the movie, it is much more clear in the book that the hotel wants Danny and his powers and will do anything to get them. A great read and worth it for fans of the movie.

    I wasn’t aware of the sequel to this book, Doctor Sleep, but will definitely check it out now that I am aware of it.

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