Clayton Lindemuth Books

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Clayton Lindemuth is a mystery author responsible for the ‘Angus Hardgrave’ and ’Baer Creighton’ series. A native of Royal Oak, MI, Clayton spent his childhood in rural Western Pennsylvania.

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Order of Angus Hardgrave Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Nothing Save the Bones Inside Her 2013 Description / Buy
2 Sometimes Bone 2017 Description / Buy

Order of Baer Creighton Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 My Brother's Destroyer 2013 Description / Buy
2 The Mundane Work of Vengeance 2018 Description / Buy
3 Pretty Like an Ugly Girl 2018 Description / Buy
4 The Outlaw Stinky Joe 2019 Description / Buy
5 Blunt Force Kindness 2020 Description / Buy
6 The Men I Sent Forward 2020 Description / Buy
7 Destroyer 2021 Description / Buy
8 Integrity 2022 Description / Buy

Order of Shirley F'N Lyle Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Shirley F'N Lyle 2019 Description / Buy
2 One at a Time, Boys 2019 Description / Buy
3 Totally Sunshine and Love 2021 Description / Buy

Order of Clayton Lindemuth Standalone Novels

# Read Title Published Details
1 Cold Quiet Country 2012 Description / Buy
2 Tread 2014 Description / Buy
3 Solomon Bull 2017 Description / Buy
4 Strong at the Broken Places 2018 Description / Buy
5 Integrity 2022 Description / Buy
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He followed up on a stint in the military with a career in finance. A graduate of Arizona State University, Clayton works as a sales manager. His debut novel earned a starred review from Publishers Weekly.

Critics love his work. They have commended the author for his visceral and thrilling prose. Clayton has included Greg Iles and Michael Connelly among the authors that influenced his work. Although, he hates the suggestion that his style mirrors that of any other writer.

Clayton is quite proud of his craft. It has taken him years to finetune his writing. Along the way, he has become quite critical of his peers in publishing. Every time he reads a work of fiction, he cannot help but edit the writer’s work.

Sometimes, the mistakes become a distraction. This is why Michael Connelly stands out to Clayton. For the longest time, Connelly was the only writer Clayton could read without feeling the need to edit his work.

The author knows that his prose is truly a cut above the rest because reviewers compared his debut novel to the likes of Donald Ray Pollock and Tom Franklin. Clayton doesn’t take those comparisons lightly.

He holds Pollock and Franklin in high regard, appreciating the pair for the clarity of their work. In recent years, Clayton has discovered names like Ron Rash, Matthew McBride, and Gabino Iglesias, that have also impressed him with their sparse prose.

Even though he was a late entrant to the publishing arena, Clayton has been writing since kindergarten. The author still remembers the angst-filled drivel he produced in college. He destroyed it before anyone could see it.

Clayton doesn’t regret his late start. Waiting until his thirties to put pen to paper worked in the author’s favor. By then, he had a more distinct understanding of human existence. He was well aware of the evils ordinary men could perpetrate.

Interestingly enough, Clayton has moments where he comes up with new ideas but then feels afraid because he thinks people will judge him if he writes them. But those are the ideas he puts on paper because his reaction tells him they are good.

The author doesn’t censor himself. He relies on endless editing to deliver the high-quality prose for which he is known.

Every story begins with a trap. Clayton must create a compelling trap for his antagonist at the start before he can plan the rest of the story. The author has scrapped many novels because he couldn’t create a compelling trap for his character.

Clayton doesn’t proceed until a character grabs him. Once that happens, he will map out the first third of the book.

The author’s objective in every situation is to make his descriptions spare. He doesn’t provide details that don’t matter. Additionally, every element in a scene is designed to contribute to the tension.

Best Clayton Lindemuth Books

The author spends his spare time reading economics and apologetics. Clayton’s best books include:

My Brother’s Destroyer: Baer was not like most men. He did an impressive job of minding his own business. When Baer was not making fruited moonshine or talking to Fred (his dog), he could be found writing letters to the woman that chose his brother.

They should have left Baer alone. They should have drunk his moonshine and steered clear. But they chose to take Fred. First, the dog went missing. And then, a week later, someone threw a bundle in a ditch. And how, Baer wants answers.

The Mundane Work Of Vengeance: An illegal fireworks plant exploded. 11 people died. People watched as M100 firecrackers rained down on the county. A few days later, a little boy discovered a taste for murder.

Over two decades later, a 16-year-old girl has gone missing. She was walking home from school when she vanished. Someone said they saw her in a police car. That was six days before Baer Creighton unleashed his fury on a ring of dogfighters.

‘The Mundane Work Of Vengeance’ is a sequel to ‘My Brother’s Destroyer.’ It picks up where its predecessor ended, introducing new characters and plot lines that eventually collide.

When Does The Next Clayton Lindemuth book come out?

Clayton Lindemuth doesn't seem to have an upcoming book. Their newest book is Integrity and was released on May, 31st 2022.

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