D.K. Hood Books

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D.K. Hood is a British author that writes crime fiction. She was born in front of the fireplace of a Georgian house in London. At the time, the city was in the grip of a blizzard. By the time she turned three, that house had been knocked down and replaced with a school.

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Order of Special Agent Beth Katz Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Dark Angel 2023 Description / Buy
2 Shadow Angel 2023 Description / Buy
3 Dark Hearts 2024 Description / Buy
4 Forgotten Girls 2024 Description / Buy

Order of Detectives Kane and Alton Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Don't Tell a Soul 2017 Description / Buy
2 Bring Me Flowers 2018 Description / Buy
3 Follow Me Home 2018 Description / Buy
4 The Crying Season 2018 Description / Buy
5 Where Angels Fear 2019 Description / Buy
6 Whisper in the Night 2019 Description / Buy
7 Break the Silence 2019 Description / Buy
8 Her Broken Wings 2020 Description / Buy
9 Her Shallow Grave 2020 Description / Buy
10 Promises in the Dark 2020 Description / Buy
11 Be Mine Forever 2021 Description / Buy
12 Cross My Heart 2021 Description / Buy
13 Lose Your Breath 2021 Description / Buy
14 Fallen Angel 2021 Description / Buy
15 Don't Look Back (Short Story) 2022 Description / Buy
16 Pray for Mercy 2022 Description / Buy
17 Kiss Her Goodnight 2022 Description / Buy
18 Her Bleeding Heart 2022 Description / Buy
19 Chase Her Shadow 2022 Description / Buy
20 Now You See Me 2023 Description / Buy
21 Their Wicked Games 2023 Description / Buy
22 Where Hidden Souls Lie 2023 Description / Buy
23 A Song for the Dead 2024 Description / Buy
24 Eyes Tight Shut 2024 Description / Buy
25 Their Frozen Bones 2024 Description / Buy
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Hood was telling stories from the moment she could talk. She took great pleasure in sitting around a fire and scaring her friends with her tales. Scary movies made her laugh. Her interest in writing was sparked when she watched a classic black and white film starring Abbott and Costello.

It wasn’t the movie that stuck with her but, rather, the dialogue. Certain lines struck a chord with the author, stirring her imagination and forcing her to weave all sorts of plots from the words the actors had spoken on screen.

Later on, she developed a passion for Forensic Science. It wasn’t just a passing fad. To this day, you can find Hood reading books about blood spatters and the most effective means of extracting trace evidence from a crime scene. The author is happiest when she’s pouring over medical journals and gleaning new bits of information about the latest developments in the field of forensic science.

Hood was fortunate to come from a family that is scattered throughout the world. She has lived in so many places, including the US, Australia, and France. This exposure to new people in exciting places has enhanced her stories. Though Hood does not permit her obsession with forensic science, or even the settings she writes about, to overshadow her characters. They are the most important aspect of her writing process.

To Hood, her protagonists are practically real. She can see them in her head, walking, talking, running. Their problems are as real to Hood as those of any other person. She understands their emotions and that allows her to paint them in a relatable light.

She’s not afraid to allow them to dictate the direction of her stories. Hood doesn’t write by the seat of her pants, not completely. She tries to produce a basic synopsis before she sits down to write. However, she prefers to fill in the details of the plot as she goes. She will plot out the next five or six chapters. But she won’t plan the entire novel from beginning to end, not because she can’t but because it would make the writing process boring.

She wants to discover the novel she’s writing as she goes along. Ideas come quite easily to D.K. Hood. In fact, in most situations, the author has multiple ideas for stories waiting to be written by the time she pens the final sentence of her current manuscript.

Once she decides to tell a specific story, she will perform extensive research. Once she has her synopsis, characters, and a whiteboard covered with character names, plot details, place names, and the like, Hood will finally settle down to write her book.

Best D.K. Hood Books

The author’s favorite book of all time is ‘Outlander’ by Diana Gabaldon. The pick may surprise her fans because it isn’t a crime thriller novel. But it captured Hood’s heart. Hood’s best books include:

Don’t Tell A Soul: Two people had gone missing from the small town of Black Rock Falls. Both victims were strangers to Black Rock Falls, but that was the only connection they had. When Detective Jenna Alton was summoned to investigate the body that had been discovered at the garbage dump, she was convinced that it had something to do with the two missing persons.

But she did not have enough clues to understand the connection. Aided in her efforts by David Kane, her new deputy, Jenna was starting to make headway when she realized that someone was following her.

Bring Me Flowers: Felicity Parker’s body was found on a rock with freshly picked flowers placed next to her corpse. Initially, Detective Jenna assumed that the killer was a visitor. But Felicity was just the first victim. Another girl was found dead soon after. When Kate Bright, Felicity’s friend from school, met a similar fate, Jenna was forced to conclude that one of the town’s residents was a killer.

For reasons no one could fathom, they had decided to target school girls. Jenna had to find the next victim before it was too late.

When Does The Next D.K. Hood book come out?

The next book by D.K. Hood is Forgotten Girls and will be released on July, 31st 2024. It is the newest book in the Special Agent Beth Katz Series.


1 thought on “D.K. Hood”

  1. Re: Detectives Kane and Alton Series.
    Just love the series. But what I would like to know is the release dates of
    Book 13 and Book 14 Paper Back Copies of the Series will be released.
    I don’t like to read of Kindle or an phone etc.
    If they aren’t being released in book version I will be quite upset by this.
    Thanking for the good reads so far

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