Viveca Sten Books

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Viveca Sten is a Swedish author that writes crime fiction novels. The attorney attended Stockholm University (Law Degree) and the Stockholm School of Economics (MBA).

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Order of Sandhamn Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Still Waters 2008 Description / Buy
2 Closed Circles 2009 Description / Buy
3 Guiltless 2010 Description / Buy
4 Tonight You’re Dead 2011 Description / Buy
5 In the Heat of the Moment 2012 Description / Buy
6 In Harm's Way 2013 Description / Buy
7 In the Shadow of Power 2014 Description / Buy
8 In the Name of Truth 2015 Description / Buy
9 In Bad Company 2018 Description / Buy
10 Buried in Secret 2022 Description / Buy

Order of The Åre Murders Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Hidden in Snow 2022 Description / Buy
2 Hidden in Shadows 2023 Description / Buy

Order of Viveca Sten Cookbooks

# Read Title Published Details
1 Swedish Summer 2020 Description / Buy
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Viveca was a successful lawyer before making a splash on the publishing scene, working at major organizations like Scandinavian Airlines and PostNord. Viveca was always a hard worker.

But she did not have a focus, which is why it took her a while to discover her love for fiction. Even though she was quite good at her job as a business lawyer and corporate counsel, she doesn’t remember making a conscious decision to pursue those careers.

For the most part, Viveca went with the flow. She allowed her life to organically find a path through the chaos of the world, triumphing where others failed because of her drive and discipline.

Despite what her fans think, the Sandhamn books were not the author’s introduction to publishing. Viveca had several nonfiction books in her bibliography by that point.

The author had a creative itch that she had scratched during her high school years by working as an editor for the school’s newspaper. She had also contributed articles to her university’s publication. But by the mid-2000s, nonfiction could no longer satisfy Viveca.

She wanted to stretch her wings, to conquer a new sector of the publishing arena. An advanced management program forced the author to confront her dream. During one particular session, she was asked to explore her personal goals.

The assignment allowed the author to identify her passion for creative storytelling. That she writes crime fiction has compelled some people to assume that she started reading crime fiction novels at a young age.

Famous crime writers have a reputation for telling similar stories. But unlike her colleagues in the genre, Viveca discovered crime fiction late in life. Her son’s godparents gave her a book by Elizabeth George that hooked her.

She doesn’t regret the fact that crime fiction entered her life at such a late stage because she had so many books to read. The author had a mountain of reputable crime fiction authors to explore, and she did not have to wait for their books to come out.

The transition from nonfiction to fiction was challenging. Viveca had to master a new method of writing. The dialog was particularly difficult. She had to read it out loud because she couldn’t tell whether or not it sounded right.

But even with the challenges that fiction brings to the table, it is more fun than nonfiction because it allows the author to make things up as she goes along. That is not an option with nonfiction. Nonfiction demands heavy research. She had to authenticate everything.

Fiction gives her more freedom. Viveca applies the skills she got from the legal field to her publishing career. She does a decent job of maintaining order at home and work.

Viveca Sten Books Into Movies

The Sandhamn series became a successful Swedish miniseries with a global audience.

Best Viveca Sten Books

The author is a wife and mother who uses every opportunity to spend time with her family. Viveca’s best books include:

Still Waters: Sandhamn was not quite as idyllic as visitors thought. A man was dead. He had washed ashore. Detective Thomas Andreasson had every reason to dismiss the man’s death as an accident.

But then another man died. The remains of the second victim were brutalized. Clearly, more was going on than Thomas had realized. With the Island’s residents in a panic about the murders, Thomas’ only hope was Nora, his childhood friend.

Closed Circles: Oscar Juliander’s money did not make him invincible. The wealthy attorney died in what looked a lot like a tragic accident. Nonetheless, people wanted answers.

Oscar was an important man, and some of the evidence suggested foul play. Now, Thomas is on the case. Once again, he has joined forces with a local lawyer to solve the mystery.

Thomas and Nora must tread carefully. Sweden’s prestigious residents occupy a world filled with lies and intrigue. They have no intention of lifting the façade to reveal the truth of their dealings. Thomas and Nora do not want them to know that they are under investigation, so the pair is working secretively.

When Does The Next Viveca Sten book come out?

Viveca Sten doesn't seem to have an upcoming book. Their newest book is Hidden in Shadows and was released on December, 5th 2023. It is the newest book in the The Åre Murders Series.

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