Curse Keepers Books

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The “Curse Keepers” series by bestselling (New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal) author Denise Grover Swank is a series of urban fantasy books. The series is accompanied by the novellas from the “Curse Keeper Secret” part of this series. The novellas go into more detail about what the Curse Keepers are supposed to do.

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Order of Curse Keepers Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 The Curse Keepers ( By: Denise Grover Swank) 2013 Description / Buy
2 The Curse Breakers ( By: Denise Grover Swank) 2014 Description / Buy
3 The Curse Defiers ( By: Denise Grover Swank) 2014 Description / Buy
4 The Soul Destroyers / Of Blood and Monsters ( By: D.G. Swank) 2018 Description / Buy
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The Curse Keepers are everything that keep the destruction of the world at bay. The series stars Ellie Lancaster, who is one of the Curse Keepers, that learned from her father about what it takes to be a guardian of the curse.


For those readers who are looking to get into the “Curse Keepers” series by Denise Grover Swank, this section will help with that. It will go over the following novels “The Curse Keepers” and “The Curse Breakers”.

The Curse Keepers: This is the first novel in the “Curse Keepers” series written by Denise Grover Swank and was released in the year 2014. The barrier that separates this world and that of the vengeful spirits has protected man kind for over four centuries now. It is about to be destroyed. Ellie Lancaster has lived her entire life by the remains of what used to be the Lost Colony of Roanoke (Virginia’s settlement that disappeared into thin air around the year of 1590). Only two people know what really happened to the colony. They are the people who expelled the spirits of a rival tribe from the material realm. Ellie is one of those descendants, or a Curse Keeper, as they are known. Her dad went to great lengths that she know what he knew of the curse and what their responsibilities were as they are guardians. Part of his teaching was telling her that if two Curse Keepers meet, the curse is lifted, raising the gate.

Raging Native American spirits will be set loose, seeking revenge. He is serious about this, but Ellie always takes the story (in all of the times he tells her this story) to be nothing but a harmless fairy tale. That is until she meets the downright maddening as well as darkly handsome boy that is named Collin Dailey. Everything that she has been taught by her dad is actually true, she finds out with surprise. When they meet each other, it feels like all of the air is sucked from the room. His presence to her electrifies her. It is not just attraction that she feels either, but her being pulled towards her destiny. This prophecy is real. Now they must battle forces of a supernatural nature and their loathing (not to mention passion) for one another to make things right. Curse Keepers are the only thing that stand between this world and it being destroyed.

The Curse Breakers: This is the second novel in the “Curse Keepers” series written by Denise Grover Swank and was released in the year 2014. Curse Keepers have guarded the barrier that separates the human realm and the spirit realm for over four centuries now. That was upset when Collin Dailey and Ellie Lancaster met each other. Prophecy dictated that they were supposed to keep evil from destroying the human world. All the while igniting something inside both of them something that might just consume them both. Ellie is faced with a frightening life now.

She has been abandoned by the man she loves and is tormented by evil spirits that unleash sinister vengeance on mankind. Her only way of protecting earthlings and herself is to claim Ahone’s mark for her own. She has to trust Dr. David Preston (a good looking professor of Native American studies) to find it. His skepticism is only bested by his attraction to Ellie. The pair must finish what the Curse Keepers started. They have to defy forces of darkness and facing hell on earth. All to unlock Ellie’s true destiny.


“Alex Craft” series written by Kalayna Price. Alex Craft, the star of this show, is a consultant for the police and private investigator. She has seen quite a bit of dark magic in her time.

“The Elemental” series written by Shannon Mayer. This is a new adult paranormal urban fantasy romance series. People in this series use the earth’s power to keep life going and stop enemies. It stars Larkspur, the illegitimate child of the king.

What Is The Next Book in The Curse Keepers Series?

There doesn't seem to be an upcoming book in The Curse Keepers Series. The newest book is The Soul Destroyers / Of Blood and Monsters and was released on March, 26th 2018.

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