Evan Smoak Books

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The Evan Smoak otherwise known as the Orphan X is a series of novels featuring a character known as Evan Smoak, written by international bestselling author Gregg Andrew Hurwitz. The first novel that features Smoak was Orphan X, published in 2016. The series of novels are generally classified as mystery crime thrillers.

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Order of Evan Smoak/Orphan X Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Orphan X ( By: Gregg Hurwitz) 2016 Description / Buy
2 Buy a Bullet (Short Story) (Short Story) (By: Gregg Hurwitz) 2016 Description / Buy
3 The Nowhere Man ( By: Gregg Hurwitz) 2017 Description / Buy
4 Hellbent ( By: Gregg Hurwitz) 2018 Description / Buy
5 The Intern (Short Story) (Short Story) (By: Gregg Hurwitz) 2018 Description / Buy
6 Out of the Dark ( By: Gregg Hurwitz) 2019 Description / Buy
7 Into the Fire ( By: Gregg Hurwitz) 2020 Description / Buy
8 The List (Short Story) (Short Story) ( By: Gregg Hurwitz) 2020 Description / Buy
9 Prodigal Son ( By: Gregg Hurwitz) 2021 Description / Buy
10 Dark Horse (By: Gregg Hurwitz) 2022 Description / Buy
11 The Last Orphan (By: Gregg Hurwitz) 2023 Description / Buy
12 The Recital (Short Story) (Short Story) (By: Gregg Hurwitz) 2023 Description / Buy
13 Lone Wolf (By: Gregg Hurwitz) 2024 Description / Buy
14 Nemesis (By: Gregg Hurwitz) 2025 Description / Buy
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Evan Smoak is a man on a personal mission to help the weakest in his society, and has the resources and skills to do so. But unlike your typical hero, Smoak has a dangerous past having been chosen, trained, and raised as a highly skilled off the books assassin of the black box Orphan program. He has broken ranks with the program and employing his highly specialized training, disappears without trace often at will.

The first novel in the series, Orphan X introduces us to the protagonist, a legendary figure whose name is only spoken of in whispers. Known as the Nowhere Man for his uncanny ability to be untraceable, he has built a reputation as the go to person for the desperate and deserving, that need saving and protection from hostile elements.

Having broken from the black box Orphan program that trained him, he has become an enemy of the system. While he is an expert at the art of disappearing, the program has put an assassin with similar training and skills on his case. Someone knows how to get to him and with each passing day is getting closer and closer to finding him. Knowing about his commitment to his cause as the Nowhere Man, the assassin intends to use this to lure him out of the shadows. What follows is an amazing and masterful tale that shows just how electrifying a Gregg Hurwitz novel could get.


The international bestselling novels have won several awards since the publication of the first novel in the series in 2016. Orphan X won Best Book of the Month from Indie Next, iBooks, and Amazon. The novel went on to win the Best Book of the Year by Amazon in 2016.


Warner Bros is currently in negotiations with Gregg Hurwitz over a deal to adapt the first novel of the Orphan X series, Orphan X into a movie. The movie is to be produced by Bradley Cooper and his partner at Warner Bros, Todd Phillips. Besides producing, Bradley Cooper is expected to take up the lead role of Evan Smoak, with Hurwitz penning the script for the adaptation.


The bestselling and multiple award-winning first novel in the series, Orphan X, which is also a fan favorite, is one of the best novels in the Evan Smoak series.

Buy a Bullet: The second novel in the Evan Smoak series is another highly regarded work by Hurwitz. The novel explores Evan on his first ever mission as the Nowhere Man, where he successfully completes a difficult mission, before he suspects something weird is going on with a young woman he spots at a coffee shop. An unscrupulous, powerful, and dangerous man has her under his control, and unleashes untold brutality upon her. Certain that the young woman would die if she did not escape, The Nowhere Man knows only a man of his skills could get her out of the sticky situation.

The Nowhere Man: Another excellent novel in the Evan Smoak series is The Nowhere Man, the second title in the series. With a reputation for saving and protecting the desperate, Smoak has broken ranks with the organization that trained him, the black box Orphan program. But the program is not giving up on finding and eliminating him. The new director has just ordered that the program to use all the assets at its disposal including its highly skilled assassins to find the rogue agent. Coming at him from an unexpected angle, Smoak is captured. What the program does not realize is that they have in custody one of the most resourceful and deadliest of orphans they ever trained.


Many fans of the Evan Smoak series of novels also loved the “Jimmy Vega Mystery” novels by Suzanne Chazin. These are detective crime novels about Jimmy Vega a Hispanic police detective struggling to belong and work in a locale full of ethnic animosities. Fans of the Evan Smoak series also like the “Jane Whitfield” series of novels by Thomas Perry. Similar to Smoak, Whitfield helps the desperate and those seeking protection disappear far away from the reach of those seeking to do them harm.

What Is The Next Book in The Evan Smoak/orphan X Series?

The next book in the The Evan Smoak/orphan X Series by Gregg Hurwitz is Nemesis and will be released on February, 11th 2025.

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