Harry Tate Books

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Espionage has never been a mean feat, especially when spies have to constantly watch over their shoulders and accomplish their missions without failing. External threats facing spies can be regarded as occupational hazards but fatal internal threats, coming from those who should be neutralizing them, are more than a spy can bargain for. What if the very country and intelligence agency that a spy has selflessly served starts viewing him as expendable? This is what happens in the Harry Tate series where an intelligence agency is angling for unfairly sacrificing its agent at the altar of failure.

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Order of Harry Tate Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Red Station ( By: Adrian Magson) 2010 Description / Buy
2 Tracers ( By: Adrian Magson) 2011 Description / Buy
3 Deception ( By: Adrian Magson) 2011 Description / Buy
4 Retribution ( By: Adrian Magson) 2013 Description / Buy
5 Execution ( By: Adrian Magson) 2013 Description / Buy
6 Terminal Black ( By: Adrian Magson) 2020 Description / Buy
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Harry Tate is the featured protagonist in the military operations-related “Harry Tate” series of books authored by British man of letters Adrian Magson. Protagonist Harry Tate has had a stint in a high-profile military intelligence agency, albeit an ill-fated occupation. There are a number of editions of this book but the first one was originally published in late 2010, titled Red Station and is shelved under the suspense, thriller, and spy fiction genres.

Harry Tate has been a high-profile intelligence officer in the MI5 and collaborated with MI6. For starters, MI5 is the truncated form of Military Intelligence (Section 5) while MI6 is the shortened name of Military Intelligence (Section 6). They are British agencies mandated to gather intelligence. The scopes of operation of both sections are almost similarly. On the one hand, MI5 conducts counter-intelligence services and, at times, offer security. On the other hand, MI6 is charged with gathering foreign intelligence on behalf of the British administration. Harry Tate has had stints in both the MI5 and MI6 agencies.

Harry Tate Awards

In 2001, author Adrian Magson was among the shortlisted candidates for the Debut Dagger, an award given out by the Crime Writers’ Association.

Harry Tate Books into TV Shows/Movies

The film rights of the 2010 book entitled Red Station were acquired by a production company known as Benderspink, which is owned by American filmmakers JC Spink alongside Chris Bender.

Best Harry Tate Books

Red Station: The first book in the series, Red Station, denotes the name of a British outpost in South Ossetia. This is located in the Balkans region of Georgia, an Eurasian nation which formerly formed a part of the then Soviet Union. The turning point of the plot is a an anticipated seize of a drugs haul which, unfortunately for the authorities, goes terribly wrong. Harry Tate, one of the MI5 intelligence officer involved, becomes the fall guy. Seemingly, the inquisitive press will start following up on the issue. However, this is merely a smokescreen planned by the MI5 to make the unsuspecting intelligence officer Tate meekly agree with the agency’s order to have him relocated to the Balkans-based so-called outpost.

In reality, the dispatch to Red Station is meant to have government assassins eliminate Harry Tate. The Balkans, whose real-life borders are disputed, soon witnesses a surge in military presence, including Russian forces, and thus brings it into the limelight. All in all, Harry Tate has joined other agents who are also earmarked for elimination and he resolves to fight for his dear life. The ensuing fast-paced chronicle is a pointer of the writing prowess of author Magson who has been nominated for the Debut Dagger previously.

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Those who were interested in the Harry Tate series also enjoyed the following espionage-related series of books. The first one is the “Legoland Trilogy” penned by Jon Stock. This spy thriller features protagonist Daniel Marchant who is a MI6 intelligence officer but currently on suspension. Marchant, whose deceased father and the then MI6 head was eliminated by the CIA on suspicious grounds, embarks on a mission to prove his innocence.

The second one is the “Liz Carlyle” series authored by Stella Rimington. The featured character, Liz Carlyle and who is in her thirties, is an intelligence officer working for the MI5. Officer Carlyle is a decorated spy; she is assigned counter terrorism tasks where quick intervention is crucial despite the fact that there is little time for it.

There is yet another one named the “Nick Stone” series that has been written by Andy McNab. Based on the author’s real-life experience with the Special Air Service, this series features protagonist Nick Stone who, after a stint with British and American intelligence agencies, becomes a daring soldier of fortune.

What Is The Next Book in The Harry Tate Series?

There doesn't seem to be an upcoming book in The Harry Tate Series. The newest book is Terminal Black and was released on February, 1st 2020.

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