Nadia Stafford Books

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Kelly Armstrong is a Canadian-writer, who was born on 14 December 1968, who majors specifically in the fantasy genre. The has published more than 21 fantasy novels, thirteen of which are in her, Women of The World book series and four in the Cainsville book series. Apart from adult fiction, Kelly Armstrong has also published, several other middle-grade fantasy novels with her co-author Melissa Marr, the Blackwell-Pages Trilogy. Furthermore, the author has published three crime novels in the Nadia-Stafford trilogy. Armstrong, has also penned down numerous serial short stories and novellas in the Otherworld book series. After she graduated from the renowned, University of Western Ontario, with a degree in psychology, Armstrong, later on, switched to Computer Programming at the Fanshawe College, so that she would have more time to write.

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Order of Nadia Stafford Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Exit Strategy (By: Kelley Armstrong) 2007 Description / Buy
2 Made to Be Broken (By: Kelley Armstrong) 2009 Description / Buy
3 Wild Justice (By: Kelley Armstrong) 2013 Description / Buy
4 Double Play (By: Kelley Armstrong) 2016 Description / Buy
5 Perfect Victim (By: Kelley Armstrong) 2017 Description / Buy
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The author’s very first novel was published in the year 1999, though it was released in the year 2001. After her very first success, Kelley Armstrong has gone ahead and published approximately 13 novels together with several other novellas, in the Women of theOther-World book series. The author’s very first crime was released in the year 2007 and was called the Exit Strategy. Armstrong then went ahead to become a full-time writer. Women of the Other-world, is a section of the exceedingly popular contemporary fantasy sub-genre, which superimposes mystical characters on a background of contemporary, North-American life with exceedingly strong romantic-elements. Within, this sub-genre, Armstrong is notable for having different types of supernatural-characters including sorcerers, ghosts, necromancers, demons, vampires and werewolves. A majority of Kelly Armstrong’s work have the mystery genre subplot with the main characters investigating some unsolved questions or novel situations.

In most of the Underworld novels, a majority of the supernatural powers are hereditary or often arise form an act of a prevailing supernatural of a similar type. Despite having overarching plot lines and conflicts, which span the entire novel, it still has an epic combat between good and bad.

Best Nadia Stafford Books

The Exit Strategy: The first book in the Nadia Stafford book series. In this installment, Nadia Stafford was at one point a good police officer. However, when she shot and killed a suspected criminal, she had to retire from the force. To make a new life, for herself, Nadia decides to start up a new lodge. However, as it is the case with a majority of the new businesses, money was somehow slow to come in. Furthermore, the lodge faced the danger of being shut down a few years after it had been officially opened. This was when Nadia was presented with an offer by one of the local mob family to become their official hit woman. At this point, Nadia cannot complain. She has all the resources at her disposal to ensure that the lodge keeps on running until it was ready to take off.

The business was showing all the right signs of taking off as well. She has a deep understanding of the type of jobs that small time mobs such as the one that hired her wanted to be done. So far, she has not been handed with any job, which violates her sense of honor. All the jobs that she has been handed include taking out rival gang families. However, it does not take long before a series of murders begins to hit the United States, and all these murders were known as the works of a serial killer known as Helter Skelter. Thus, Nadia once again is forced to team up with her mentor, to try and catch the serial killer. Furthermore, if this was the case of a hit man gone bad, then the killer has to be put down since he is going to start attracting unwanted attention to different hitmen throughout the country.

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The “Vampire Mystery Thriller” is also another excellent book series that you are going to appreciate. The first book in this series is Snow Blood, which begins as Borgio is expected to turn into snow, an exceedingly beautiful white husky, so that he could be able to save a dog. There are a series of events, which are unleashed so that they could expose the disturbing plot, which has been specifically created for the father of all vampires.

What Is The Next Book in The Nadia Stafford Series?

There doesn't seem to be an upcoming book in The Nadia Stafford Series. The newest book is Perfect Victim and was released on November, 3rd 2017.

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1 thought on “Nadia Stafford”

  1. When you hear about a character who is a part-time assassin and former cop who murdered a suspect, certain things come to mind. A man for one, you know the type. Hard drinking and probably a womanizer to boot.

    Not the case here. Those first facts are true about Nadia Stafford, but not the latter ones. This is one bad-ass chick who is longer apart of the law, but sort of a law unto herself. This is a series that digs its nails into you and won’t let you go until you read them all.

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