Aubrey-Maturin Books

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The Aubrey-Maturin series was writter by Patrick O’Brian who has gained great fame through his works and even seen his book adapted into a movie.

Order of Aubrey/Maturin Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Master and Commander ( By: Patrick O'Brian) 1969 Description / Buy
2 Post Captain ( By: Patrick O'Brian) 1972 Description / Buy
3 H.M.S. Surprise ( By: Patrick O'Brian) 1973 Description / Buy
4 The Mauritius Command ( By: Patrick O'Brian) 1977 Description / Buy
5 Desolation Island ( By: Patrick O'Brian) 1977 Description / Buy
6 The Fortune of War ( By: Patrick O'Brian) 1978 Description / Buy
7 The Surgeon's Mate ( By: Patrick O'Brian) 1980 Description / Buy
8 The Ionian Mission ( By: Patrick O'Brian) 1981 Description / Buy
9 Treason's Harbour ( By: Patrick O'Brian) 1983 Description / Buy
10 The Far Side of the World ( By: Patrick O'Brian) 1984 Description / Buy
11 The Reverse of the Medal ( By: Patrick O'Brian) 1986 Description / Buy
12 The Letter of Marque ( By: Patrick O'Brian) 1988 Description / Buy
13 The Thirteen-Gun Salute ( By: Patrick O'Brian) 1989 Description / Buy
14 The Nutmeg of Consolation ( By: Patrick O'Brian) 1991 Description / Buy
15 The Truelove / Clarissa Oakes ( By: Patrick O'Brian) 1992 Description / Buy
16 The Wine-Dark Sea ( By: Patrick O'Brian) 1993 Description / Buy
17 The Commodore ( By: Patrick O'Brian) 1994 Description / Buy
18 The Yellow Admiral ( By: Patrick O'Brian) 1996 Description / Buy
19 The Hundred Days ( By: Patrick O'Brian) 1998 Description / Buy
20 Blue at the Mizzen ( By: Patrick O'Brian) 1999 Description / Buy
21 21: The Final Unfinished Voyage of Jack Aubrey (Short Story) (By: Patrick O'Brian) 2004 Description / Buy
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Formerly named Richard Patrick Russ, O’Brian hailed from Buckinghamshire. His father, Charles Russ, was a German and an English physician married to Jessie Russ (Goddard), an Irish descendant. Patrick lost his mother when he was just four years of age. He had a tough childhood and grew up poor, with periodic schooling and spent most of his inactive school hours at home, with his folks his newly married stepmother Zoe in East Sussex. His writing career kicked off early when he was just a young boy. Patrick started with short stories such as “Hussein, An Entertainment,” and Beasts Royal –which brought him substantial praise. Patrick published his first book, Caesar, at age 15, with his father’s help.

O’Brian was an, famous English writer, renowned for his series, Aubrey–Maturin tales of the sea, set in the infamous Napoleonic Wars in the Royal Navy based on the friendship involving Jack Aubrey, the English naval captain and Stephen Maturin the Irish–Catalan physician. O’Brian wrote several other novels published long before he attained immeasurable achievement with the Aubrey–Maturin series. O’Brian also wrote two biographies and translated books and scripts from French to English. He achieved major success as a fiction writer much later in his seventies when an American publisher noticed his amazing works with the Aubrey-Maturin series. The series drew more readers, earning him favorable reviews.

In the 50s, O’Brian published editions targeting children namely, “The Golden Ocean,” “The Road to Samarcand,” and “The Unknown Shore.” O’Brian published his first book in the Aubrey-Maturin series in 1969. The books did not receive much publicity in his home country -Britain. In the early 90s, the Aubrey Maturin series was re-launched into the US market by W. W. Norton publishers. The series dramatically attracted critical acclaim and significantly increased sales and O’Brian’s public profile back home and in America. The Aubrey-Maturin series novels sold more than three million copies in 20 different languages.

Aubrey & Maturin Awards

In 1995, Patrick received an award from the Heywood Hill Literary Prize for his literary works, O’Brian, aged 80, acknowledged his inaugural literary prize of 10,000 pounds. In 1997, He received honorary doctorate from Trinity College, Dublin and a CBE award. Furthermore, apart from the awards, a majority of O’Brian’s novels have been featured in different best sellers list.

Aubrey-Maturin Books into Movies

The “Master and Commander -The Far Side of the World”, was inspired by The Aubrey–Maturin series novels. It was released in the year 2003. The movie performed extremely well and recieved lots of positive reviews from viewers and critics alike.

Best Aubrey-Maturin Books

Master and Commander #1

: This is the first book in the book series. It received numerous sales and countless positive reviews from readers all over the world. The story was set in 1800. Jack Aubrey and Stephen Maturin are best of friends. Both serve in the British Royal Navy. The ship sails through the Mediterranean Sea between Italy and Spain. Both seamen grow petulant towards each other because of the long sea voyage, the war and other personal issues in their lives.

However, when duty calls in the Royal Navy ship, the two cronies forget everything else and set to work as required by order of the royal command dutifully. Patrick O’Brian’s abundant literary prowess and seafaring historical fiction are just unmatched. To enjoy this edition, you must engross your senses in the 19th-century mindset, the age of sailing, the era of exploration and inquisitiveness. The story heavily plays out on the English customs and mannerisms and the Royal Navy.

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“Men-of-War-Life in Nelson’s Navy” is a book that heavily references the sea-captain hero, Jack Aubrey the historical navy tale that O’Brian uses as a milieu for the exploits of his invented characters and emphasizes the tribute dedicated to the hero of the Royal Navy, Admiral Horatio Nelson. He was the leader who gave his life as he steered the Royal Navy to victory against the French-Spanish Armada in Napoleon’s war at Trafalgar in October 1805, making him a famous sea commander in Great Britain. A decade after his death, the Royal Navy and its old sailing ships are named after the great Captain, described as “Nelson’s Navy.”

Patrick O’Brian craftily produced a short, but detailed book on the construction of wooden ships, the armor used in battles, the range of sailors and their diverse skills, and the typical life at sea … Including the nonchalant sea songs. The book also includes many useful illustrations in simple, modern English.

What Is The Next Book in The Aubrey/maturin Series?

There doesn't seem to be an upcoming book in The Aubrey/maturin Series. The newest book is 21: The Final Unfinished Voyage of Jack Aubrey and was released on January, 1st 2004.

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