Crown’s Spies Books

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Crown’s Spies is a series of historical romance novels written by Julie Garwood. The books follow the exploits of those men and women in Regency England who keep stumbling upon love and romance.

Order of Crown's Spies Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 The Lion's Lady ( By: Julie Garwood) 1988 Description / Buy
2 Guardian Angel ( By: Julie Garwood) 1990 Description / Buy
3 The Gift ( By: Julie Garwood) 1991 Description / Buy
4 Castles ( By: Julie Garwood) 1993 Description / Buy
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The Crown’s Spies series was written and published in the late 1980s and early 1990s; the writing style and some of the ideas expressed in the series prove as much, though fans of many of Julie Garwood’s later works have nothing but good things to say about the Crown’s Spies series.

The books feature a lot of relationships of convenience that bloom into genuine romance. The Lion’s Lady, the first novel in the series, follows the exploits of Christina Bennett and Lyon Marquis of Lyonwood.

Christina was raised by Indians in America. But she isn’t too keen on advertising her past. When Christina comes to England, it is with the intention of finding a husband to marry. Only by adding a ring to her finger will she secure the great inheritance that awaits her.

Christina’s encounter with Lyon was largely one of chance. And yet she quickly realized that Lyon had all the qualities she needed in a respectable husband, especially one that she merely needed to present to the necessary authorities to acquire her grandfather’s inheritance.

Christina never expected Lyon to present such an arrogant front. And Lyon, on his part, did not think that feisty and defiant women like Christina existed. Lyon and Christina would eventually realize that for all the conflict that frequently arose between them, genuine attraction also burned beneath the surface.

The Lion’s Lady is technically a standalone novel. But the story it tells is definitely worth the read for anyone that wants to enjoy the rest of the Crown’s Spies series in the manner its author intended.

Each Crown’s Spies novel has a new couple at its center, a man of noble birth and a woman who encounter one another through circumstances beyond their control, circumstances that force them to pursue relationships of convenience. They always fall for one another at first sight but they are quick to resist their urges.

The man has a tough exterior beneath which beats a soft and tender heart. But his confidence and noble birth drive him to present a controlling attitude. But the woman simply refuses to be controlled.

She knows how to push all the man’s buttons. And as the man fights tooth and nail to deflect the woman’s seductive ways, this as the woman does everything in her power to prove that she cannot be tamed, they slowly but surely fall in love.

But even though each novel has a new couple at its center, there are loose connections between all the stories, specifically the characters, many of whom are related. There are heroes in certain novels that can only be understood by reading their backstories in the previous novels within which they were first introduced in secondary roles.

The Crown’s Spies books are most commonly commended for the depth of their characters and the witty dialogue and banter that the author produces.

Crown’s Spies Awards

Julie Garwood has won the RT Reviewer’s Choice Award and All About Romance Reader Awards for all the four novels in the Crown’s Spies Series.

Best Crown’s Spies Books

Even though the Crown’s Spies novels are praised for their witty banter, they are also often criticized for the melodramatic manner in which the protagonists interact, with some of the best books in the series including:

The Lion’s Lady: Christina Bennett took London Society in the Regency era by storm. Her beauty and grace swept many suitors off their feet. Even Lyon, Marquis of Lyonwood, was taken.

But none of them knew the secret she harbored. So when Lyon’s kiss stole her breathe, the defiant woman still refused to be moved, unwilling to forsake her promised destiny.

The Gift: Sara Winchester was just a child when she and Nathan were married as part of some political ploy. Years later, Nathan, Marquis of St. James is finally coming home to take his bride.

Neither the bride nor the groom truly knows what to expect. Nathan knows he has never met any woman quite as sweet as Sara. He’s also never known anyone quite so impetuous. Sara, for her part, is unaware of Nathan’s past as a pirate. Their love will soon be tested by a conspiracy.

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What Is The Next Book in The Crown's Spies Series?

There doesn't seem to be an upcoming book in The Crown's Spies Series. The newest book is Castles and was released on January, 1st 1993.

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