Uncommon Heroes Books

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The “Uncommon Heroes” series written by Christian author Dee Henderson is a military romance series. It features the same characters for the first three books, and then a new cast of characters for the next book (which was first published under the “True Courage” title, but re-released under the title “Kidnapped”). “Uncommon Heroes” is Dee Henderson’s biggest known series that she has ever written. This is a series where the friendships are strong, and the loyalties people have for one another are deep. Uncommon heroes perform very tough jobs. There is time for the author to show what is demanded of these people, but also for them to love someone.

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Order of Uncommon Heroes Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 True Devotion ( By: Dee Henderson) 2000 Description / Buy
2 True Valor ( By: Dee Henderson) 2002 Description / Buy
3 True Honor ( By: Dee Henderson) 2002 Description / Buy
4 True Courage / Kidnapped ( By: Dee Henderson) 2004 Description / Buy
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The first novel in the series, which is called “True Devotion” was written mainly to give readers a good perspective into lives of the people who serve in the military. It goes in depth, talking about the lives of the family members and what they have to do (what they have to sacrifice and do). It is not just the men and women in the military that serve this country, but also their family members, too. Henderson did some extensive research on the jobs, duties, and responsibilities of the different characters to get it down just right. All so that she could give her readers a better understanding of what her characters are going through.


For those looking to get into the “Uncommon Heroes” series by Dee Henderson, this section will help with that. It will go over the novels “True Devotion”, “True Valor”, and “True Honor”.

True Devotion: The first novel in the “Uncommon Heroes” series and was released in the year 2000. Kelly Jacobs, a lifeguard, was married to one warrior already, and it ended with him dying. She knows that a riptide can drown her at any time. While she is fighting and holding on to her life, her whole life flashes by and she sees Nick. He was a Navy SEAL who died (so they say) during a training accident. She also thinks about her feelings for someone named Bear. Joe “Bear” Baker, A Navy SEAL does not really want to ask her to risk going through that again, despite the fact that he loves her quite a lot. The man that was behind her husband dying has returned, and is closer than either Bear or Kelly realize. Bear may not be able to save her in time.

True Valor: The second novel in the “Uncommon Heroes” series and was released in the year 2002. Gracie Yates works as Pilot for the Navy, and Major Bruce Stanton (known as Striker) is in Pararescue with the Air Force. Since they both have dangerous jobs, they send each other love letters while they are away from home. Grace is one of the best aviators the Navy has, and due to her determination and hard work is given a tough assignment. One of the toughest in the history of the Navy. Bruce, like Grace, is a hard worker and holds the job that he does in high regard. He pulls Pilots and soldiers from Special Forces trapped behind enemy lines. Gracie, while behind the lines of the enemy, is shot down and Bruce has to get her out alive.

True Honor: The third novel in the “Uncommon Heroes” series and was released in the year 2002. Darcy St. James (a CIA officer) is going after a man that knew the events of September eleventh would happen and decided to profit from it. Navy SEAL Sam Houston (nicknamed Cougar) is busy due to this, as Darcy keeps getting intelligence coming in that is causing Houston’s men to be needed and deployed all around the world. The romance these two share flourishes, with war on the horizon. This romance may be a short one, as some terrorists have targeted some more people. Darcy is high up on the list.


“Elite Guardians” series by Lynette Eason. One of the authors that inspired Eason, was Dee Henderson, the person that wrote the novels this article is about. Eason herself, has been up for different awards, and even won some.

“Angels Walking” series by Karen Kingsbury. This series is about getting a second chance at things written by a bestselling author, in Karen Kingsbury. The first book in the series deals with a baseball player who has to quit playing baseball after he gets injured and rejoin the real world.

What Is The Next Book in The Uncommon Heroes Series?

There doesn't seem to be an upcoming book in The Uncommon Heroes Series. The newest book is True Courage / Kidnapped and was released on January, 1st 2004.

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