Witch Central Books

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Debora Geary set fans of fantasy and romance on fire when she first created her Modern Witch series. Considering the number of books she was churning out over such a short period of time, it seemed like she would be writing them forever.

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Order of Witch Central Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 An Imperfect Witch ( By: Debora Geary) 2013 Description / Buy
2 An Unlikely Witch ( By: Debora Geary) 2013 Description / Buy
3 Feathers ( By: Debora Geary) 2014 Description / Buy
4 A Dangerous Witch ( By: Debora Geary) 2014 Description / Buy
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However, following the implosion of her marriage, Debora finally put a cap on the books, unable to return to the well of happiness and joy that initially allowed her to produce the Modern Witch Books.

However, by the time she brought that particular universe to a close, she had written quite a number of novels set in that world, this including Witch Central, a spinoff of the Modern Witch books.

Witch Central breaks away from Debora’s character-oriented approach and attempts to take a broader look at the world the witches inhabit. The third series set in this world after A Modern Witch and Witchlight Trilogy, this series makes use of a number of characters that were first introduced in the Modern Witch and Witchlight Trilogy books.

The series also utilizes concepts from its predecessors, though it attempts to do a few new things. Debora Geary created her world of Witches in 2011 and didn’t bring things to an end until 2014 when she released A Dangerous Witch, the book that capped the whole Modern Witch Universe off.

The Witch Central series doesn’t differ that drastically from its predecessors when it comes to the overall look and feel of the world. Debora is all about creating happy people living in happy communities and finding happy endings.

And these books do pretty much the same thing. The conflicts that Debora introduces are mostly fluff, designed to keep the story moving. There is little in the way of dread, death or any concepts that might be considered dark.

The books are also free of coarse language, adult situations, and sex.

Best Witch Central Books

Debora Geary has persevered at writing her Modern Witch series because she knows she has an audience that loves her particular brand of storytelling, with some of the best books in the Witch Central series including the following:

An Imperfect Witch: The times have changed rather drastically for Lizard Monroe since her days as a delinquent on Parole. As a hot realtor with everything she wants from a decent guy to more friends than she knows what to do with, Lizard assumed that life would always be sunny.

That was before the crystal ball spoke and revealed life’s latest attempts at messing with her.

This is a light fantasy novel with elements of humor and romance. Fans of fantasy might raise a few eyebrows at this, a book that doesn’t read like the average urban fantasy novel. There are no alpha male or mysteries or even suspense of any note. However, Debora Geary knows exactly what her readers want and what she needs to do to capture their attention even without the involvement of these aspects.

The book brings back old favorites from the Modern Witch and Witchlight books. This is despite the fact that the book can be read as a standalone, even without prior knowledge of its predecessors.

Debora endeavors to create a world that feels like home, where every character feels welcomed and cared for regardless of their history and the challenges they have faced in life.

An Unlikely Witch: Jamie Sullivan saw his future a long time ago. Even before he and Nat had their adorable daughter, Jamie knew who his wife would be and the shape his family would take. And everything he saw came to pass just as he foresaw, all except for the boy with the dancing eyes.

This part of the vision Jamie has been unable to bring to fruition, even with all the magic at his disposal.

This book takes a slice out of the lives of the witches of the Modern Witch series and reveals it to readers. This is what Debora Geary does. She doesn’t concern herself with life and death situations or world-altering conflict.

She focuses on the simple lives of her characters. This book does just that, following a couple struggling with child-rearing issues as they find ways of moving beyond their sorrows.

Other Book Series You May Like

The “Witchcraft Mystery” series by Juliet Blackwell follows Lily Ivory. She might be an average witch but her powers have a tendency to attract mischievous spirits. They also send normal people running. However, a new shop gives her a chance to make some new friends.

The “Wishcraft Mystery” series by Heather Blake follows Darcy Merriweather, a witch from a family that is known for granting wishes. Darcy lives in an Enchanted Village in Salem Massachusetts with her sister. They spend a long time living mundane lives until they learn of their ancestry.

What Is The Next Book in The Witch Central Series?

There doesn't seem to be an upcoming book in The Witch Central Series. The newest book is A Dangerous Witch and was released on September, 16th 2014.

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1 thought on “Witch Central”

  1. These books should be read after “Modern Witch” in order to avoid any confusion about characters, as Geary is off an running right out of the gate with the first book. It would be hard to keep up if you don’t read the other books first.

    Geary has an exceptional series as usual, as her characters are so well developed and her writing is superb. Lizard is a favorite; I can’t help but see a little of myself in her formerly rebellious ways.

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