Ben Hope Books

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The name Ben Hope refers to a series of novels written by Scott Mariani. It is also the name of the series protagonist.

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Order of Ben Hope Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 The Alchemist's Secret ( By: Scott Mariani) 2007 Description / Buy
2 The Mozart Conspiracy ( By: Scott Mariani) 2008 Description / Buy
3 The Doomsday Prophecy ( By: Scott Mariani) 2009 Description / Buy
4 The Heretic's Treasure ( By: Scott Mariani) 2009 Description / Buy
5 The Shadow Project ( By: Scott Mariani) 2010 Description / Buy
6 The Lost Relic ( By: Scott Mariani) 2011 Description / Buy
7 The Sacred Sword ( By: Scott Mariani) 2012 Description / Buy
8 The Armada Legacy ( By: Scott Mariani) 2013 Description / Buy
9 The Nemesis Program ( By: Scott Mariani) 2015 Description / Buy
10 The Forgotten Holocaust ( By: Scott Mariani) 2015 Description / Buy
11 The Martyr's Curse ( By: Scott Mariani) 2015 Description / Buy
12 The Cassandra Sanction ( By: Scott Mariani) 2016 Description / Buy
13 Star of Africa ( By: Scott Mariani) 2016 Description / Buy
14 The Devil's Kingdom ( By: Scott Mariani) 2016 Description / Buy
15 The Babylon Idol ( By: Scott Mariani) 2017 Description / Buy
16 The Bach Manuscript ( By: Scott Mariani) 2017 Description / Buy
17 The Moscow Cipher ( By: Scott Mariani) 2018 Description / Buy
18 The Rebel’s Revenge ( By: Scott Mariani) 2019 Description / Buy
19 Valley of Death ( By: Scott Mariani) 2019 Description / Buy
20 House of War ( By: Scott Mariani) 2019 Description / Buy
21 The Pretender's Gold ( By: Scott Mariani) 2020 Description / Buy
22 The Demon Club (By: Scott Mariani) 2020 Description / Buy
23 The Pandemic Plot (By: Scott Mariani) 2021 Description / Buy
24 The Crusader’s Cross (By: Scott Mariani) 2021 Description / Buy
25 The Silver Serpent (By: Scott Mariani) 2022 Description / Buy
26 Graveyard of Empires (By: Scott Mariani) 2022 Description / Buy
27 The White Knight (By: Scott Mariani) 2023 Description / Buy
28 The Tudor Deception (By: Scott Mariani) 2023 Description / Buy
29 The Golden Library (By: Scott Mariani) 2024 Description / Buy

Order of Ben Hope Short Stories/Novellas

# Read Title Published Details
1 Passenger 13 (Short Story) ( By: Scott Mariani) 2011 Description / Buy
2 Bring Him Back (Short Story) ( By: Scott Mariani) 2013 Description / Buy
3 The Tunnel (Short Story) ( By: Scott Mariani) 2015 Description / Buy
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Ben Hope is fairly typical as far as action heroes are concerned. Like many protagonists in the thriller genre, Ben has a military past. As a former SAS operative, Ben Hope is a pretty capable combatant. More importantly, like his many counterparts in the genre, Ben cannot seem to stay out of trouble.

When Ben is first introduced to readers in The Alchemist’s Secret, he has put as much distance between himself and his military background. Ben Hope was a pretty competent operative once upon a time. However, some unsavory business forced him to abandon that life.

As one might expect from an action hero, it is the sort of tragedy he doesn’t talk about; sufficing to say, Ben has skeletons in his closet and they have defined the decisions he has taken since leaving the SAS.

That includes becoming a consultant that spends his days helping children that have been kidnapped. It isn’t always obvious that Ben has a soft spot, not with his relatively rough demeanor.

When Ben learns that he could save a child by locating an ancient manuscript, he gladly undertakes the task. He doesn’t realize that the manuscript in question has the formula for the elixir of life and that some really bad men want it.

Ben definitely doesn’t realize that he is about to start a whole new chapter of his life, one that will find him saving the world by keeping ancient secrets, tools, and artifacts out of the hands of some very nasty people.

Ben Hope doesn’t always seek out trouble. Most of the time, he is just in the wrong place at the wrong time, or he simply happens to know the wrong people. People have described the character as a cross between James Bond and Jason Bourne.

The villains he comes across would definitely fit perfectly into the James Bond universe. However, Ben Hope is a little more aggressive and bombastic in his approach to dealing with his opponents, which invites comparisons to Jason Bourne.

The author, Scott Mariani, was a student of Film and Modern Languages. A graduate of Oxford University, Scott worked in music, did some translating and pursued numerous other odd jobs before he finally became a full-time writer.

The author was walking in West Wales one day when the idea of Ben Hope came to him. Scott wanted to create a traditional action-adventure that had a little more depth to his character.

Best Ben Hope Books

Opinions surrounding the Ben Hope books tend to vary mostly because the series tends to remind readers of Dan Brown’s novels, with some of the best books including:

The Heretic’s Treasure: The fourth book in the Ben Hope series centers on an ancient treasure that has been protected for thousands of years but which one man will seek to unearth.

Akhenaten is a prominent figure in Egyptian history. He considered the Sun god to be the one true deity and he forced his people to abandon all their gods as a result. The actions did not sit well with his people who branded him a heretic.

The so-called Heretic’s treasure was hidden away by three high priests. They wished to save it for future generations, scattering clues all over that could be used to locate it when the time came.

In the present day, Ben Hope starts out looking for the murderer of his friend’s son. It isn’t long before he is pulled into the hunt for the Heretic’s Treasure.

The Lost Relic: Ben Hope doesn’t know why criminals are out to acquire a worthless Goya Sketch. He didn’t plan to get involved. It all began when he almost ran over a young boy, this while he was in Italy to visit a former SAS colleague. Then he accepted an invitation to attend a gallery exhibition only to be drawn into a deadly mission.

The sixth novel in the Ben Hope series kicks off with the former SAS Operative witnessing the robbery of a gallery. This draws him into a conspiracy involving British Organized Crime and a Russian Gang.

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People also really enjoy the “Matt Drake Series” by David Leadbeater. Matt Drake is a former SAS Operative who runs around the world engaging in adventures involving mythical artifacts and seemingly supernatural mysteries.

What Is The Next Book in The Ben Hope Series?

There doesn't seem to be an upcoming book in The Ben Hope Series. The newest book is The Golden Library and was released on May, 9th 2024.

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