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David Hagberg is a well-known American Novelist, who is widely known for his brilliantly written techno-thrillers, which feature Kirk MacGarvey, a super spy. Hagberg has also penned several books under the following pseudonyms; Nick Carter, Sean Flannery, David James, Eric Ramsey and David Bannerman.
Order of Wallace Mahoney Series
# | Read | Title | Published | Details |
1 | The Kremlin Conspiracy | 1979 | Description / Buy | |
2 | Eagles Fly | 1980 | Description / Buy | |
3 | Hollow Men | 1982 | Description / Buy | |
4 | Broken Idols | 1985 | Description / Buy | |
5 | Moscow Crossing | 1988 | Description / Buy | |
6 | Crossed Swords | 1989 | Description / Buy | |
7 | False Prophets | 1996 | Description / Buy |
Many readers and reviewers have described David Hagberg’s style of writing as a cross between Ian Fleming and Tom Clancy. David Hagberg’s thrillers feature an amalgamation of timely plots, superspy heroics and technical details, which many at a time are somehow prophetic when it comes to their accuracy. In Joshua’s Hammer a novel, which was written in the year 2000, author Hagberg gives a rholloather chilling account of the infamous, Osama Bin Laden to kill several thousands of Americans, in their home soil. What makes the novel, Joshua’s Hammer extremely mysterious is that it was published, a year before the attacks happened.
Furthermore, a scenario about the shooting of Osama bin Laden in the head was explicitly illustrated in the novel Allah’s Scorpion, which was published in the year 2007, four years before the annihilation of Bin Laden in the same manner and location that David Hagberg had previously described. Like a majority of spy novels authors, David Hagberg had previously served as a cryptographer for the United States Airforce Intelligence.
Between the year 1976 and 1987, David Hagberg served as a spy writer where he contributed more than twenty work for hire entries in the bestselling Nick Carter-Killmasters book series. Critics and his colleagues within the crime writing community have received Hagberg’s work extremely well.
Wallace Mahoney Awards
The Kremlin Conspiracy, Broken Idols and False Prophets have all been nominated for the Edgars in the Best Paperback novel categories. Hagberg’s other three novels Crossfire, Critical Mass, and Countdown emerged winners during the American Mystery Awards.
Wallace Mahoney Best Books
The Kremlin Conspiracy: The first installment in the Wallace Mahoney book series. The American Embassy in Moscow has constantly been monitoring the KGB for quite some time. After noticing a sudden movement in the KGB headquarters, the KGB decided to call on its people. After watching everyone arrive, the KGB decide to call on its people. Both the KGB and the American Embassy wanted some answers. They were more than determined to find out what was exactly happening.
Apart from wanting to know what was happening the KGB also had one more question, who exactly was responsible for abducting Sakharov and what happened to his portable laser. As each of the governments and their respective agencies began playing their own games, Wallace Mahoney, the CIA chief analyst and Colonel Yuri Zamyatin eventually find each of them working with one another, as they had previously done during World War II.
However, this time around, the two not only lack the trust towards each other but also they do not trust their orders as well. Because the president was expected to arrive in a few days, both Yuri and Wallace Mahoney need the answers much sooner than they had expected. With that said, the Kremlin Conspiracy is a fast-paced espionage narrative that is extremely complicated in several ways. The narrative is filled with numerous twists and turns, which from the look of things cannot be easily untangled. Furthermore, author David Hagberg has done a super job of throwing in the novel some actual history.
Eagles Fly: The second installment in the Wallace Mahoney book series. Eagles Fly begins in the streets of Buenos Aires, after a gruesome attack that left two men dead. Author, Sean Flannery, then takes the readers back to the United States where the readers are introduced to one Dr. Richard Kesley. Dr. Richard Kesley is introduced to a patient who is believed to be the main key to solving the crimes.
However, it does not take long before Dr. Richard Kelsey’s life turns upside down when he is pulled at the center of an extremely weird conspiracy, which could end up threatening the stability of the free world. With that said, author Sean Flannery has once again delivered yet another old-school espionage thriller. Just like the Kremlin Conspiracy, Eagles Fly is centered on the protagonist, Wallace Mahoney.
The Hollow Men: The third installment in the Wallace Mahoney book series. In Hollow Men, Mahoney had been alone for quite some time. However, things began to change when Sonja came to visit him. Previously Sonja had served for the Central Intelligence Agency and now she works for Mossad. Sonja had come to Wallace Mahoney with a problem, which had been disturbing her for quite some time.
Within the Israeli Intelligence, it was believed that there was a mole and thus the Intelligence needed an outsider to assist them in discovering who the mole was. Due to the fact that Mahoney Wallace had recently retired, he was definitely going to make an excellent fit. Against all logic and law, Richard Mahoney agrees to assist Sonja to discover who the mole was.
Nonetheless, Mahoney eventually finds himself at the center of a nightmare web, which was filled with double agents, stretching all the way from Geneva to Washington and beyond. As Wallace Mahoney comes to discover, uncovering the mole is going to be rather easy, however, discovering who the mole works for is going to be the difficult part.
With that said, Hollow Men is a brilliantly written thriller, which has been filled with highly believable plots and characters. Unlike a majority of the spy novels where the writers throw a kitchen sink at the readers and hope that the readers are going to play along, author Flannery has created a tale which holds together.
Broken Idols: The fourth installment in the Wallace Mahoney book series, and it revolves around the shadow war. In Broken Idols, General Robert has been missing for quite some time now. Apart from General Robert, the Genesis Plan, NATO’s top-secret program is also missing as well.
The protagonist, Wallace Mahoney, has a rather difficult task of locating NATO’s Nuclear-Affairs defense committee missing chair or witness the disappearance of an entire European country. Apart from Wallace Mahoney, author Sean Flanner also introduces the readers to John Mahoney, who happens to be the son of Wallace Mahoney. Being a CIA agent, John Mahoney also has a choice of his own; he can either watch his father go on one of the deadliest missions alone or plunge with his father into an extremely bloody labyrinth of terror, which stretches beyond the Soviet Union.
What Is The Next Book in The Wallace Mahoney Series?
There doesn't seem to be an upcoming book in The Wallace Mahoney Series. The newest book is False Prophets and was released on July, 15th 1996.